4 Wrong Ways (And One Right Way) to Choose Your Mobile App Company

When you are in the market for developing a business app, you are probably searching the web and talking to your network about which development company to engage. Finding the right partner for the development process will make or break the success of your app, so it’s important to avoid a few common pitfalls in the selection process.

Here are 4 wrong ways to choose your mobile app company, which are likely to end in disaster. But we don’t want to leave you in the dark, either, so we’ll end with teaching you a better way of finding a development partner you can trust to build your new mobile app.

#1: Choose the Cheapest Option

Regardless of what you’re looking for, the most expensive option is not guaranteed to be the best. But if one mobile app company offers you a far cheaper development package than anyone else you’re talking to, it’s time to move elsewhere.

It’s impossible for cost not to be a motivating factor in finding the right mobile app development partner for your business. At the same time, making it the only factor will open you to the risk of engaging a company that simply does not have the expertise or resources to build the high quality app your business needs.

#2: Fall for Impossible Promises

You know them when you see them. Companies that promise to develop an app that jumps right to the top of the marketplace charts on day 1 are not being as truthful as they could be. As a general rule of thumb, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Nobody can truly offer the lowest price, fastest development speed, and the highest quality all at once — there have to be tradeoffs. Companies that promise quality without outrageous ‘instant gratification’ are a safer bet to work with.

#3: Get Seduced by Buzzwords

Particularly if you don’t know much about app development, buzzwords can be a dangerous animal. A consumer-driven app that offers augmented reality sounds great, but does it actually make sense for your business? Similarly, does your app really need gamification and cloud capabilities?

Make no mistake: all of the above are valid questions, and they are technologies that your app and business can actually benefit from. But falling for them simply because they sound new and exciting is a mistake. At its core, the goal of your app is probably simple: to drive attention or efficiency, and increase revenue for your business. Any feature that does not help you reach the specific goals of your app should not be a part of your consideration process.

#4: Make Broad Assumptions

Thoroughly vetting potential app development companies is crucial. Making broad assumptions, on the other hand, can get you into trouble. A company promising extensive expertise in enterprise app development is less impressive than one that can also show tangible examples of its expertise.

Similarly, don’t just assume that every development option like building hybrid apps is impressive. Instead, do the research to find out what that term actually means, and how it will impact the development process. The less you assume, the more likely you will be to find a mobile app company whose capabilities matches your needs.

Do It Right: Talk to Them

Based on the above, you may have already begun to suspect it: the only reliable way to find a mobile app company that’s congruent with your needs and can build an app as you desire is to actually talk to them. Personally getting in touch with potential partners allows for a more thorough vetting process, during which you can ask about their experience with projects like yours.

In the course of those conversations, you will also be able to get a more honest answer on the costs, timeline, and potential success of your app. In short, it’s the best way to make sure that the company you’re about to engage can hold its promise and deliver a great finished product.

When you’re ready for that step, we’d love to have a chat. Contact us today to learn more about our development style, past projects, and how we can help you succeed.



AppIt Ventures
Tech Notes: Mobile App Development | Web Development | Cloud

Mobile app development company that focuses on achieving our clients' business goals through thoughtful architecture, design, and quality development.