Get More From Your Mobile App Company

What’s on the mind of many in the app world during this time of year? Well, a lot of businesses are considering how their holiday sales went, plans for the new year, and, of course, how to keep changing in the face of roll-outs of better apps. It’s hard to believe that just a decade ago, we were using mobile phones, but not for purchases.

Lin Grosman’s recent article explains:

“More people are using mobile apps, especially when it comes to their favorite retailers. Additionally, more mobile commerce transactions now happen on apps than on mobile sites. According to Google Analytics data, 30% of all online shopping happens on mobile devices and mobile searches related to shopping jumped by 120% in 2015.”

Her piece gives us food for thought about what businesses of every size should do to get better results from their mobile app company. Every time that your company goes back to the drawing board to build a new app, there’s the potential that you will lose money. Apps don’t always hit the market at the right time or meet their projected need. It’s also hard for mobile apps, no matter how brilliant, to deliver when the company’s leaders have a hard time narrowing down what they should do for consumers.

Think About Levels of Interaction

We give a lot of thought to how we can explain to clients what consumers want. A big thing is that mobile users want to increase their level of interaction with their favorite brands. They are also willing to download unknown apps and try them out on their mobile device, particularly if the app is free. The worst thing that can happen is that new users won’t like their experience and will delete a new app. People thinking about an app may feel positively, negatively, or neutrally about a brand. If they try your proposed app in the future, they might be motivated by a brief mention of it. They want to learn more. However they discover your app, it must accommodate their needs.

Strategize How to Get Undecided Prospects to Buy

If the first experience that prospects have with your brand is on a mobile app, that’s okay. Consumers are willing to experiment with new or untested brands in small bites. What can you do with your mobile strategy to get prospects off the fence? We considered this question at length and thought about how to pitch it to people reading our blog. Let’s take the case of the small or medium business. This kind of client could create an app by starting small and then plan to expand the app in stages. A traditional model will give everyone limited use of the app at no charge and then offer extra features to people for a price. Many dating apps, for example, allow users to create free profiles and then they charge for features such as unlimited messaging and uploading extra photos to the user’s dating profile.

We want your business to be excited about hiring a mobile app company that understands your market. Your goal may be to expand into a new market or just to give consumers more convenient ways to interact with your company. Whatever the case may be, we’re here to help. For more details on what to expect from your mobile app company, please contact us today.



AppIt Ventures
Tech Notes: Mobile App Development | Web Development | Cloud

Mobile app development company that focuses on achieving our clients' business goals through thoughtful architecture, design, and quality development.