The Importance of Integration in Custom Software Development

Regardless of your industry, budget is likely a big question when choosing and implementing new software. That software may be designed to reach your audience or improve business processes; either way, you need to make sure that the expense required to build it will not outpace the tangible benefits you will get.

Unfortunately, this legitimate concern often leads businesses to draw hasty conclusions. Because custom software applications cost more than template alternatives, they tend to focus their effort (and budget) on the latter. In certain situations, that’s the correct choice. But in others, you may be better off with custom development, for one key reason: integration.

Integration is the key advantage that custom software solutions hold over template alternatives. Allow us to explain in more detail.

Integrating Your Software Into Existing Solutions

Chances are that when you are developing a new piece of software to help your business, it’s not the only software your business is intending to use. You may be in need of finance software, but already have digital payment processing. You need a new mobile app, but already have a website. Software integration, in these cases, becomes the key to success.

New business software, at all times, should make your work and business easier, not more difficult. New software that does not integrate into your existing solutions, however, achieves the opposite effect.

If your new financial or accounting software requires time-consuming manual entry after you process payments, your business is not better off. And if your mobile app does not look, feel, or have similar information as your website, it will not resonate with your audience. You need software integration, which a custom solution can provide.

Integrating Your Software Into Business Processes

Similarly, you should always try to make sure that new software can integrate seamlessly into your existing business processes. How exactly do you currently handle your finances? How will new software affect that process? Answering these questions should be at the forefront of your mind as you think of a solution.

Template software of any type, unfortunately, usually requires you to adjust your processes to how it works. Custom software, on the other hand, can be designed specifically to match your processes and help you improve your operations. The result will be a more seamless operational process that allows you to not only take advantage of the software’s benefits, but also helps smoothen the transition.

Integrating Your Software Into Daily Tasks

Finally, don’t underestimate the impact of new software on the people who will actually use it. Internal software applications, for example, will probably be touched on a daily basis by your employees. If it does not integrate with their daily work and tasks, they will resist using it, and adoption could be difficult.

The same is true for externally facing software as well. If your app is designed to reach potential customers, but it doesn’t do so in a way that accommodates their daily routines and lifestyle, you will not get much traction.

That, in turn, requires software that relies on in-depth research as it relates specifically to your audience. Unfortunately, template solutions cannot accomplish that. A custom application, on the other hand, allows you to build it from the ground up to adjust depending on what your audience needs and looks forward to.

When determining what type of software can benefit your business while still providing positive ROI, have you considered integration with your existing software? It’s a key variable to ensure that your software will not only work well in theory, but help your business tangibly. To learn more about custom software application development, contact us.



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