The Increasing Business Usability for Smartwatch Apps

When Apple released its first Watch a couple of years ago, it was thought to be gimmicky. Since then, a number of other brands have released similar smartwatches. But still, this type of wearable device is generally thought of as a consumer-focused piece of hardware.

In reality, that’s no longer true. A number of business apps are now available for smart watches, helping employees and managers improve the efficiency of their processes, generate more revenue, and help the business succeed and grow.

According to a recent survey by the international research firm IDC, 88% of app developers are interested in building applications designed for wearable devices like smartwatches specific to business, while 75% of IT decision makers believe that apps for business will become a priority. Here are a few of these emerging apps, highlighting the potential use of this relatively new market.


If you typically save a lot of notes, you probably already know about Evernote. The mobile and desktop app allows you to easily take and share notes, create to-do lists, and more. At the same time, the publisher recently added a wearable capability that enhances its possibilities. Now, business professionals can check off and add items to their lists or notes directly from their smartwatch, even using voice control functionality.


An extension of the existing smartphone app, BetterWorks allows business managers to track their employees’ performance. Set a goal for each of your employees (and yourself), and track the movement toward that goal with integrated benchmark and feedback mechanisms. Especially for team leaders and project managers, this app can be invaluable to help you always understand where exactly your individual projects currently stand.


You may already know Salesforce as the biggest Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution on the market. Through its extensive contact database and marketing interface, you can improve your marketing and sales process significantly. And that process is made easier through the software’s smartwatch app, which allows you to quickly call up your analytics or insights about individual sales prospects. No matter where you go, you’ll have vital sales information at your fingertips.

iMeet Agenday

Calendar management is among the most difficult and time consuming tasks for any manager during the day. Especially if you keep multiple calendars, it can be easy to get confused with 4–6 meetings per day. iMeet Agenday seeks to solve that problem, helping you manage each of your calendars on the go — and through your watch. Helpful notifications ensure that you don’t miss a meeting or deadline, while the app can also pull in additional information prior to meetings such as the LinkedIn profile of participants.


For both freelancers and at-home employees and managers, tracking the time you work on individual projects is a crucial piece of information to making sure that you work efficiently and get as much done as possible. Hours for Apple Watch allows you to do just that, even allowing you to track multiple projects simultaneously and without effort. The result will be a more effective, and successful, work balance.


In many ways, Trello is the perfect organizational app for work teams. Here you can organize and track your to-do lists, collaborate on priorities, brainstorm, and track the process of individual projects. In other words, it helps you and your team stay up to date and organized in making sure any type of project gets done as desired and on time.

In short, smartwatches are quickly morphing from consumer-only products to helpful business tools. The increasing number of apps available to improve your business processes and efficiency speak for themselves. But of course, even the above apps may not be perfectly tailored to help your business improve its revenue and meet its growth goals. In that case, contact us. We’d love to work with you to develop a smartwatch app for your business that will benefit you for years to come.



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