Learning Mobile Development

5 Tips When Working on Millions- Users Mobile App

It is different from working solo or working with thousands- users app

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

When I published my first Apps eight years ago on PlayStore, my hope is one day I will have Apps that reached millions of users. Many of us were inspired by the Flappy Bird app's success. It looks simple and well, if that app can make it, I thought I can make it too perhaps?

I’m not going to lie. I didn’t manage to get any of my apps to reach 1 million users. Not even 100k users. While it is not impossible, it is hard, as it usually requires marketing and some branding to get it hits the million mark. So I didn’t get any personal experience managing an app of my own at that scale.

However, I am very fortunate to have worked in several organizations on apps that reach millions of users. I then realize it’s not an easy feat to manage a millions-users app, and sincerely appreciate my experience on it.

