Learning iOS Development

A Step By Step Guide Creating Swift Package Manager

It’s Time To Start Moving Away from CocoaPods

Photo by The Retro Store on Unsplash

In a blogpost from blog.cocaopods.org in 13 August 2024, it was stated as below

TLDR: We’re still keeping it ticking, but we’re being more up-front that CocoaPods is in maintenance mode.

Therefore, for a new iOS project in Xcode, it’s worth exploring Swift Package Manager. I tried it today, and here’s my experience — including some pitfalls and the changes I made.

Disclaimer: I’m not an iOS expert, so there may be a few beginner mistakes, but hopefully, this information will be helpful for those just starting their iOS development journey.


I have a very simple project with snippet of code as below.

import SwiftUI

var doSomething: (String) -> PlugItemView = { data in
return PlugItemView(Content: AnyView(ItemRow(message: data)))

struct PlugItemView: View {
let Content: AnyView
var body: some View {

I plan to move the PlugItemView to another module (package) using Swift Package Manager.

The steps as below

1. Create the new…



Mobile App Development Publication
Mobile App Development Publication

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Elye - A One Eye Dev By His Grace
Elye - A One Eye Dev By His Grace

Written by Elye - A One Eye Dev By His Grace

Sharing Software Learning, Life and Faith Journey

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