Learning Android Development

Android APK to App Bundle made simple

Google Play requires an App Bundle beginning mid-2021

Photo by Richard Lee on Unsplash

Like it or not, Google is heading towards only App Bundle support beginning Mid 2021, as per announced on the website.

There’s a challenge from CommonsWare on Google decision on this, but think it will not change that direction. So all apk will need to move over soon.

Steps required to move to AAB

The steps to move over to the App Bundle are actually simple. (Assuming you already have APK with the right Keystore in place).

But I have to search high and low just to find out that it’s simpler than I thought. Most tutorial states all the details which makes it really complicated.

  1. Opt-in app signing by Google Play
  2. Create a new Keystore (optional)
  3. Generate the App Bundle with the new Keystore (or with the old one if you skip step 2)
  4. Upload App Bundle (aab) file to your store.

That’s it!

But I start to have questions… and I’m most concerned if one step is wrong (e.g. upload the wrong Keystore etc), then my App is no longer updatable. So many questions…

