Learning Android Development

Create your own Animated Vector Drawable on Android App

Skill to add a little more spice to your Android App

Photo by Dose Media on Unsplash

To make our Android app a look a little more polished, we can add Animated Vector Drawable. The subtle animation would differentiate a great app from an ordinary app.

We could programmatically write the Animated Vector Drawable, but that will be tedious. Hence here, we’ll be using https://shapeshifter.design/ to help create one.

At the end of this article, you’ll get to create a simple Animated Vector Drawable as shown below.

Using Shapeshifter Design

https://shapeshifter.design/ is a free tool you could use to draw your Animated Vector Drawable, then export it out to your Android Studio.

Draw the vector layers

First, let’s draw the Vector Later. The below consist of 2 layers,

  1. The grey border
  2. The black check

