The Mobile World

Debugging Google Maps App Issue on Android

Learning to Debug Google Map Issue Across Different Versions

Photo by Dariusz Sankowski on Unsplash

Not too long ago, it was discovered that as one deep link from the App to the Street View of GoogleMap App, the Street View keeps loading sign, and is not loaded anyway.

It is hard to know if this is our App’s bug or its GoogleMap App bug. In most cases, we would suspect we probably code the API wrongly and hence caused the issue. What must we do?

There’s this real case below share, to provide how we can prove it’s a GoogleMap App issue.

Replicate the issue with Google’s Code

The first step is to try to narrow down the code to as close as possible to any sample code Google provided. This is to ensure the issue is not caused by the wrong API usage.

In my case, the issue I faced was narrowed down to the code sample that was provided by Google here.

// Displays an image of the Swiss Alps
val gmmIntentUri =
val mapIntent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, gmmIntentUri)

