Learning Mobile Development

Exploring the Expandable Menu Package in Flutter

Expandable Menu package is a valuable tool for enhancing navigation in your Flutter applications

Arun Pradhan
Mobile App Development Publication


What is the Expandable Menu Package?

The Expandable Menu package is a Flutter package that provides a simple and customizable way to implement expandable menus in your Flutter app. With this package, you can create dynamic and interactive menus that expand and collapse with smooth animations, making your app’s navigation more user-friendly and engaging.

Getting Started

To begin using the Expandable Menu package in your Flutter project, follow these steps:

1. Add the Dependency

First, you need to add the package dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:

expandable_menu: ^0.0.5

2. Import the Package

In the Dart file where you want to use the Expandable Menu, import the package:

import 'package:expandable_menu/expandable_menu.dart';

3. Create an Expandable Menu

Now, you can create an Expandable Menu widget in your Flutter app. Here’s a simple example of how to create a basic menu:

items: [
text: 'Home',
onPressed: () {
// Handle the Home menu item click.
text: 'Profile',
onPressed: () {
// Handle the Profile menu item click.
text: 'Settings',
onPressed: () {
// Handle the Settings menu item click.

4. Customize the Menu

The Expandable Menu package offers various customization options to tailor the menu to your app’s design. You can adjust the menu’s appearance, animation duration, and more. Here’s an example of customizing the menu:

animationDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 500),
backgroundColor: Colors.blue,
iconColor: Colors.white,
items: [
text: 'Home',
onPressed: () {
// Handle the Home menu item click.
icon: Icons.home,
iconColor: Colors.white,
textColor: Colors.white,
// Add more menu items here...

Customizing the Expandable Menu

The Expandable Menu package provides several customization options. You can modify the appearance, animations, and behavior of your expandable menu to suit your application’s requirements.

Here are some common customization options:

- Colors and Fonts: You can set custom colors and fonts for the menu items to match your app’s theme.

- Animations: Customize the animation duration and curve for the menu expansion and collapse.

- Icons: Change the icons used for the expand and collapse actions.

- Spacing and Padding: Adjust the spacing and padding around menu items.


The Expandable Menu package is a valuable tool for enhancing navigation in your Flutter applications. By providing expandable and collapsible menus with smooth animations, it can greatly improve the user experience of your app. Whether you’re building a simple mobile app or a complex application, the Expandable Menu package is a versatile and customizable solution for creating intuitive menus.



Arun Pradhan
Mobile App Development Publication

Arun Pradhan, Flutter developer having 3.5 years of experience in Mobile application development. FLUTTER | ANDROID | IOS