Fastlane Configuration For IOS Application

Burcu K. Kutluay
Mobile App Development Publication
6 min readDec 2, 2019

As an IOS developer, I am curious about DevOps things. To implement Continuous Integration / Deployment processes for the applications I am working on, I want to share my experiences about fastlane.

According to my experiences, Fastlane is a very useful tool to deploy test flight versions and release IOS applications to App Store Connect automatically. Fastlane is able to run tests and create reports. I wanted to implement Fastlane on my project and achieve these goals at first. Good news: It is free!

“fastlane is an open source platform aimed at simplifying Android and iOS deployment.
fastlane lets you automate every aspect of your development and release workflow.” (


It is very easy to setup Fastlane. To start with open terminal on your Mac:

Lets’ Navigate to my specific project folder. My projects folder is here:

I have to install Xcode command-line tools, If you have already installed do not worry, there is no problem :)

Now I should install Fastlane. I used RubyGems, and just type the following command to terminal: sudo gem install fastlane -NV

Just enter the Mac password and wait for the install :)

Gem is installed. Let's create necessary files in the root directory. Now I should init Fastlane to create files. Just type the following command to terminal: fastlane init swift

Well done, welcome to Fastlane! Lets’ continue with a deeper configuration part :) I will just pass it faster now, continue to typing 3 and enter my apple id and password.

Briefly, after that, I will see gem files and Fastlane files are created.

Check your project folder, and in Fastlane folder, you will see Appfile. Just open it and check your information:


It is easy after that. We have Appfile and Fastfile. Our config file will be Fastfile after that. Now we will distribute iOS application to Testfligt.

We need to go back a little bit. Lets clear the terminal, type: clear

We will have a very clear terminal:

Now I should check my project folder, and look at FastFile:

Note that I have schemas on my project. You do not have to config that parameter. I just added the following codes to Fastfile and save. My Fastfile looks like this:

# This file contains the configuration
# You can find the documentation at
# For a list of all available actions, check out
# For a list of all available plugins, check out

# Uncomment the line if you want fastlane to automatically update itself
# update_fastlane


platform :ios do
desc “Push a new beta build to TestFlight”
lane :beta do
increment_build_number(xcodeproj: “movieListing.xcodeproj”)
build_app(workspace: “movieListing.xcworkspace”, scheme: “movieListing — Prod”)

lane :tests do
run_tests(workspace: “movieListing.xcworkspace”,
devices: [“iPhone 6s”, “iPhone 8”],
scheme: “movieListing — Prod”,
skip_build: true)

lane :testsWithoutBuild do
run_tests(workspace: “movieListing.xcworkspace”,
devices: [“iPhone 6s”, “iPhone 8”],
scheme: “movieListing — Prod”),
test_without_building: true)


Right now, go back to terminal and just type: fastlane

Now final step: We should type 1 and press enter :) Then, we will wait for build…

After waiting, we will see a success message!

I checked on iTunes connect for my versions, and I saw my app is successfully uploaded. The first goal is achieved.

I wrote some unit tests for my app and now I want to run tests automatically on Fastlane. Let's move on…


If you are working on a big-scale project and already have lots of unit-tests written, I recommend you to comment on most of the test classes and try for a one test class so that you can observe deeper. If you have tests that fail, Fastlane returns an error and does not complete the process. According to my project, I have to check all my tests and develop them later.

As I edited the Fastfile with the following codes, I added the simulator models that I want to run my code. You can add devices, or remove them. Just remember what we edited on Fastfile:

lane :tests do
run_tests(workspace: “movieListing.xcworkspace”,
devices: [“iPhone 6s”, “iPhone 8”],
scheme: “movieListing — Prod”,
skip_build: true)

We should start with cleaning the terminal. Now just type: clear and press enter and type: fastlane and press enter again :)

I want to run ios tests so I will type 2 and press enter:

You can see the logs, I recommend you to read them and fix if you have issues. For example, here is one of my problem that I should fix them:

Do not worry if you see Exit status: 65 red line :) I did not remove my fail tests so I could not complete the process. Console logs shows the fail tests but does not show what is successfully tested.

So I will remove fail tests and show you the completed process. I can also see the simulators I chose is running the tests. Finally, I completed the process:

Well done, I briefly explained the basics of fastlane setup and configurations. I will search about Jenkins Integration and write my experiences :)



Burcu K. Kutluay
Mobile App Development Publication

IOS Developer / Architectural Design — App Management / Guitar Player