Glide Image Loader: The Advanced

This is the second section of the 3 series on Glide Tutorial.

Beyond the basic

As you have learn the Basic in the previous blog, this blog will expand on the code shown in that previous tutorial, and setup with better framework and architecture, for more control of the Glide processing.

By looking at the class diagram, below are what you will be taught in this blog with more classes that manage Glide from your end.

Here I use Dagger 2 to setup, together with PerformanceChecker to help determine the device performance, which will not be covered in this Blog, but you could check out my previous blog on them as per linked.

I don’t supply any video here, as from user point of view, they look identical. But from the internal code structure point of you, Glide allow you to customize some of it’s default for you to better control of this library.

“Outer beauty attracts, but inner beauty…

