Learning Android Development

Jetpack Compose Popup — Master It!

Expand your View Beyond the Parent Composable Boundary with Popup

Photo by Mick De Paola on Unsplash

When we program our Jetpack Compose View, we might not realize there’s a limitation we cannot use normal Jetpack Compose View programming to achieve.

The limitation is as below. In any Compose View, it is not possible to compose another view from within, that is Bigger than the Containing (Parent) View or Outside the View (as shown in the Diagram below).

Fortunately, Jetpack Compose does provide us with two Compose Components that we can leverage for this purpose

  1. Dialog
  2. Popup

Note: Both these Components are created not using conventional Jetpack Compose way of programming, instead using AbstractComposeView and also utilizing the WindowManager one has to create it. Hence under the hood, it does require some core Android framework knowledge of development.

The focus of this article is to share everything about Popup, with provided illustrations for one to master it easily. Through it, you…

