Learning Kotlin

Kotlin Coroutine Scope, Context, and Job made simple

Explore the Basic Ecosystem of Kotlin Coroutine


Thanks to Romain Guy for the magnificient photo!

When I first explore Coroutine about 3 years ago, we can just call launch directly to get a non-blocking coroutine started.

Now, this is not possible anymore. It needs a scope to start it, or using runBlocking. But what’s a scope?

The official document provides a good explanation, but it took me 3 days to slowly digest it. To understand Scope, one needs to understand the Coroutine Context.

After having a better grasp of it, let me try to simplify the learning based on my understanding below, and some additional findings I got beyond what’s in the documentation.

Basic revisit: what is Coroutine?

Before we move further, let’s recap on what is Coroutine.

  • Similar to Thread, that allow some…

