Learning Android Development

Learn Dagger 2 to Hilt for Android Easily in under 10 Minutes

Easy way to fully comprehend Dagger 2 and Hilt from the ground up

Photo by Danilo Rios on Unsplash

As an Android Developer, mastering Dagger is a neat achievement. However, I have to admit, it took me several years to really comprehend it.

My experience was, “Wow! It’s so magical, how my dependencies just get injected”… try to understand it, but it’s too much. So I decided to just “use it”, but got into various trouble and was not able to make the best out of it.

Hence I started my quest, to slowly peel it layer by layer, and wrote one of my most well-received blogs.

But Dagger's evolution for Android didn’t stop there. In 2019 Google I/O, it was announced that Google plans to make a better Dagger for Android starting in 2020. Then the birth of Dagger Hilt is in place.

Lots of new developers jump straight into Dagger Hilt, as it seems easier to get used to. Without learning Dagger 2, sometimes…

