Learning Android Development

Secure Your “Only” Chance to Ask for Android Post-Notification Permission

Learn Some Undocumented Android Post Notification Permission Request Behaviors and Flows

Photo by Ashin K Suresh on Unsplash

Do you know that beginning Android 13, you are only given “one” chance to ask the user for Post Notification Permission? If they disallow it, you can not ask them again.

Therefore it is vital for the developer to provide the best rationale to avoid losing this permission. But what if we lose it, what option do we have?

Some of us might be thinking that Android 12L (and older) days were better, as the Post Notification Permission is granted by default. But these older version has it’s problem too. Let me explain…

For Android 12L and older

Yes, if users are using Android 12L or older, Post Notification Permissions are granted by default.

But if for whatever reason, when a user goes to your App Setting and turns off your post notification permission, you are now out of luck, not able to ask them to grant the permission back on the fly.

You cannot use the fly permission request approach for post-notification permission using the method that…

