Simplifying Your Codebase with the Facade Design Pattern

Mobile App Development Publication
5 min readJul 4, 2024

Explore the Power of Design Patterns: See How Each One Enhances Your Development Journey and Brings Value to Your Projects!

Photo by Edho Pratama on Unsplash

Design patterns are essential tools for developers to create robust and maintainable code. One such pattern is the Facade design pattern, which provides a simplified interface to a complex system. In this post, we’ll explore the facade pattern in detail, see an example of how it can be implemented in Kotlin, and compare it with other design patterns commonly used in Android development.

What is the Facade Design Pattern?

The Facade design pattern is a structural pattern that provides a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem. It defines a higher-level interface that makes the subsystem easier to use. By using a facade, you can reduce the complexity of a client interacting with multiple classes and APIs.

When to Use the Facade Pattern

  • Simplify Complex Subsystems: When you have a complex system with many interdependent classes, the facade pattern can help simplify interactions with that system.
  • Promote Loose Coupling: By decoupling the client from the subsystem, changes to the subsystem can be made without affecting the client code.
  • Improve Maintainability: A facade helps organize code better, making it more readable and maintainable.

Example: Home Automation System

Let’s create a facade for a home automation system. This system includes subsystems for lighting, heating, and security. Without a facade, the client code would have to interact with each subsystem directly, leading to complex and hard-to-maintain code. The facade will provide a simplified interface to these subsystems.

//Subsystem Classes

class LightingSystem {
fun turnOnLights() {
println("Lights are turned on")

fun turnOffLights() {
println("Lights are turned off")

class HeatingSystem {
fun setTemperature(temp: Int) {
println("Heating system set to $temp degrees")

class SecuritySystem {
fun activateAlarm() {
println("Security alarm activated")

fun deactivateAlarm() {
println("Security alarm deactivated")
//Facade Class

class HomeAutomationFacade {
private val lightingSystem = LightingSystem()
private val heatingSystem = HeatingSystem()
private val securitySystem = SecuritySystem()

fun startDay() {

fun endDay() {
// Using the Facade

fun main() {
val homeFacade = HomeAutomationFacade()

// Start the day
// End the day

In this example, the HomeAutomationFacade simplifies the interaction with the lighting, heating, and security systems. The client code is now easier to read and maintain.

Comparing with Other Design Patterns

Builder Pattern

The Builder pattern is used to construct complex objects step by step. It separates the construction of a complex object from its representation, allowing the same construction process to create different representations.

Example in Kotlin:

// Builder pattern example in Kotlin
class Car(val engine: String, val wheels: Int, val color: String)

class CarBuilder {
private var engine: String = ""
private var wheels: Int = 0
private var color: String = ""

fun setEngine(engine: String) = apply { this.engine = engine }
fun setWheels(wheels: Int) = apply { this.wheels = wheels }
fun setColor(color: String) = apply { this.color = color }

fun build() = Car(engine, wheels, color)

fun main() {
val car = CarBuilder()
println("Car built with ${car.engine} engine, ${car.wheels} wheels, and ${car.color} color")

Factory Pattern

The Factory pattern provides an interface for creating objects without specifying their exact classes. It is useful when the client doesn’t need to know the specific class of the object being created.

Example in Kotlin:

// Factory pattern example in Kotlin
interface Animal {
fun makeSound()

class Dog : Animal {
override fun makeSound() {

class Cat : Animal {
override fun makeSound() {

class AnimalFactory {
fun createAnimal(type: String): Animal {
return when (type) {
"Dog" -> Dog()
"Cat" -> Cat()
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown animal type")

fun main() {
val factory = AnimalFactory()
val dog = factory.createAnimal("Dog")
val cat = factory.createAnimal("Cat")

Singleton Pattern

The Singleton pattern ensures that a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to it. This pattern is useful when exactly one object is needed to coordinate actions across the system.

Example in Kotlin:

// Singleton pattern example in Kotlin
object DatabaseConnection {
init {
println("Database Connection Initialized")

fun connect() {
println("Connecting to the database")

fun disconnect() {
println("Disconnecting from the database")

fun main() {

Observer Pattern

The Observer pattern defines a one-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object changes state, all its dependents are notified and updated automatically. It is commonly used in implementing distributed event-handling systems.

Example in Kotlin:

// Observer pattern example in Kotlin
interface Observer {
fun update(message: String)

class ConcreteObserver(val name: String) : Observer {
override fun update(message: String) {
println("$name received message: $message")

class Subject {
private val observers = mutableListOf<Observer>()

fun addObserver(observer: Observer) {

fun removeObserver(observer: Observer) {

fun notifyObservers(message: String) {
observers.forEach { it.update(message) }

fun main() {
val subject = Subject()

val observer1 = ConcreteObserver("Observer 1")
val observer2 = ConcreteObserver("Observer 2")


subject.notifyObservers("Hello Observers!")

Adapter Pattern

The Adapter pattern allows incompatible interfaces to work together. It acts as a bridge between two incompatible interfaces by wrapping an existing class with a new interface.

Example in Kotlin:

// Adapter pattern example in Kotlin
interface EuropeanPlug {
fun plugInEuropeanSocket()

class EuropeanDevice : EuropeanPlug {
override fun plugInEuropeanSocket() {
println("European device plugged in")

interface AmericanPlug {
fun plugInAmericanSocket()

class PlugAdapter(private val europeanPlug: EuropeanPlug) : AmericanPlug {
override fun plugInAmericanSocket() {
println("Using adapter to plug into American socket")

fun main() {
val europeanDevice = EuropeanDevice()
val adapter = PlugAdapter(europeanDevice)


The facade design pattern is a powerful tool for simplifying interactions with complex systems. By providing a unified interface, it reduces the complexity of client code, promotes loose coupling, and improves maintainability. While other design patterns like Builder, Factory, Singleton, and Observer also serve important roles, the facade pattern is unique in its ability to simplify interactions with multiple subsystems. Understanding and applying these patterns appropriately can greatly enhance the quality and maintainability of your codebase.

Hope you find it usefull 🤝



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