Unpredictable relaunch — Strange App launcher behaviors (part 2)

Being in Android Development for years, I faced such unexplainable behavior, and dig into it. Hopes others come to light of it, before getting puzzled by it for days.

This is the 2 part of the 3 issues found. If you are interested in the first one, check out

Relaunch Behavior — Unpredictable!!

In our development, we use Fabric Beta for part of our App distribution for testing. We are all happy with it until one day, we notice the installation behavior of Fabric Beta differs from what the Google Play installed behavior.

The Google Play installed behavior is consistent with the behavior when we install through Android Studio, or ADB. So for quite a while, I blame Fabric Beta for the different behavior thinking it does alter the APK (even though we examine the APK, all are the same)

I was wrong… Sorry, Fabric Beta

It took quite a while then we realize this is not caused by Fabric Beta. Instead, if one would…

