Learning Android Development

Understand Proguard Generated Files and Manually De-obfuscate Stacktrace

In case we need to manually de-obfuscate our crash Stacktrace, this will be handy

Photo by Xavier von Erlach on Unsplash

In Android, whenever we release our app, we obfuscate our code with Proguard, as part of ensuring it is not easily reversed engineered. There’s a mapping.txt file created that enables us to de-obfuscate it.

We can upload it to the PlayStore or any crash tracking tool we use to help displace our crash Stacktrace more meaningfully.

However, at times, if we fail to upload the mapping.txt file for some reason, or even if we have uploaded the mapping.txt file to PlayStore, but still need to manually de-obfuscate some symbol, how can we do so?

Note: we cannot download the mapping.txt from Playstore for some reason. Perhaps for security reason.

Release upload of our app artifact page.

If we need to do so, we can just recompile our code (using the exact same Git Commit) to regenerate the mapping.txt file. The below will tell you what each file is

Proguard generated…

