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Ways To Store Constants in an iOS App

Best Practices and Examples

Shashank Thakur
Mobile App Development Publication


Storing Constants in an iOS App
Photo by Oxa Roxa on Unsplash

In iOS app development, constants play a crucial role in maintaining code readability, reusability, and adaptability. Whether it’s API keys, URLs, configuration settings, or other unchanging values, properly managing constants can greatly improve your app’s maintainability. In this blog, we’ll explore best practices for storing constants in iOS apps, along with examples demonstrating various approaches.

1. Constants in Code:

One of the simplest ways to store constants in your iOS app is to define them directly in your code. You can use let in Swift or #define in Objective-C to create constants. For instance, in Swift:

let kAPIKey = "your_api_key"
let kBaseURL = "https://api.example.com"

This approach is straightforward but not very flexible. If you need to change a constant’s value, you’ll have to edit the source code and recompile the app.

2. Property Lists (Plist):

Property lists (Plist) are an excellent choice for storing configuration settings, such as URLs or feature flags. You can create a Plist file in Xcode and access its values programmatically. Here’s how you can retrieve a value from a Plist:

if let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "AppConfiguration", ofType: "plist") {
if let plist = NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: path) {
if let apiKey = plist["APIKey"] as? String {

3. UserDefaults:

UserDefaults is perfect for storing user-specific preferences or settings that need to persist between app launches. It's a key-value store, making it suitable for constants like app version or user preferences.

UserDefaults.standard.set("1.0", forKey: "AppVersion")

4. Enums:

Enums are an elegant way to group related constants together, making your code cleaner and more maintainable. For example, you can define an enum for error codes:

enum AppError: String {
case networkError = "NetworkError"
case serverError = "ServerError"

Using enums not only improves code readability but also helps prevent typos and inconsistencies.

5. Structs:

Create a struct specifically for holding constants, allowing you to organize related constants neatly:

struct AppConfiguration {
static let apiURL = "https://api.example.com"
static let apiKey = "your_api_key"

6. Asset Catalog:

If you have constants related to assets like images or sound files, consider storing them in an asset catalog. This centralizes your app’s assets and simplifies management.

7. Swift Package Manager:

For modular app development or library creation, you can use Swift Package Manager to store and manage constants in separate packages, making reuse across projects easier.

8. Environment Variables:

To protect sensitive data like API keys, consider using environment variables. Set them in Xcode and access them in your code using ProcessInfo. This approach keeps sensitive information out of your source code, enhancing security.

let apiKey = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["API_KEY"]


In summary, the method you choose to store constants in your iOS app depends on the data type and your app’s architecture. Each approach has its own advantages and use cases. Regardless of your choice, maintaining a clean, organized codebase is crucial. Properly managed constants improve code quality and make it easier to adapt your app to changing requirements in the future. Whether you prefer direct code, Plists, UserDefaults, enums, structs, asset catalogs, Swift Package Manager, or environment variables, you have a range of tools at your disposal to manage constants effectively in your iOS app.

