Why an IoT Ecosystem Requiring Android Development Services?

Yagnesh Vara
Mobile App Tech
Published in
4 min readNov 9, 2019

Android supports numerous devices and thus, the platform is most popular across the world. More android application development services providers around the globe are relying on Android to deliver the most amazing and creative apps to the customers or businesses. And now the IoT is the field where Android can contribute its greater essence and provide a list of benefits. In this article, we will share and learn more about Android and its significance in IoT world.

IoT Ecosystem

Relationship between IoT and Android

Android is responsible for nurturing each of the four components that complete the ecosystem of the IoT.

1. Sensors

Smart gadgets and devices work on sensors that can detect physical variables, such as temperature, passwords, fingerprint, etc. Hardware developers may use android as an appealing option since it is open source. They can even customize it as per the need and this makes it even more in demand among developers.

2. Data transfer

Android allows data transferring via sensors in the ecosystem of IoT. It supports XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol) and MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport. Both of them are open-source implementation of data transfer methods. Developers can even use these libraries via non-android systems like Windows and Linux.

3. Physical device

Any IoT device requires an operating system to work and support system components. There are Android devices that are intended to support several types of sensors. This makes android perfect choice.

4. Data processing

The whole idea of IoT is useless without a device and app which has the potential to receive, store, and process data-which acts like a server.

The latest software updates in Android platform enables better data processing for IoT applications than earlier times. For instance, firmware updates are introduced to optimize on-device processing time and cloud uploading.

Internet of things is one of the most useful technologies applied by modern businesses across the world. IoT has capabilities to drive any company towards success by allowing the management to enhance services and customer experience. Here are the few major aspects of mobile app development on which Internet of Things put great impact-

· Futuristic apps

The idea of IoT prepares your business app for the future. You can instantly grow or low the count of connected devices in line as per the evolving needs at the workplace. In the same way, you can integrate or disintegrate the devices from the app. While hiring an app developer, you want to assure that the app doesn’t lose its flexibility and scalability to reach the IoT network-related requirements.

· Niche market

IoT mobile app development services are designed for the niche market. The IoT based apps are different and need a lot of knowledge of the IoT concept. Any popular android app development company having an in-house team of specialized developers can use IoT to bring the most unique product to the app world.

· Enhanced security

Since IoT works on collecting data from synched devices, such data can be in unstructured or structured form. It may include transaction details, user behavior, or other critical information. Thus, apps build with IoT require extra security to protect sensitive and personal data while providing safe access to related data to app users.

· Focusing efficiency

IoT based apps are designed in a way to enhance convenience and deliver automation in the business processes running on IoT technology. Moreover, the app needs to be flexible to add or eliminate the connected/synched devices to cope with evolving requirements. User friendly apps can enhance the efficiency of the user and provide extra benefits of enhanced productivity.

How Android benefits IoT?

1. Open source for better development

Android is open source and allows developers to use more customization options with the necessary source code. In other words, developers can make software updates more flexible and compatible with the synched devices.

2. Builds opportunities to enhance future versions

During the previous IoT implementation stages, deep knowledge of networking and other protocols were the need of time. But due to less available resources, implementation became a difficult thing. Today, great knowledge and tutorials have cleared the barriers for everyone. For Android app developers, it is an opportunity to expand their community of developers and users in the IoT world.

3. More platforms for IoT development

Platforms like Oracle IoT, Azure IoT were made to bring more opportunities to software developers for mass-production of IoT enabled gadgets. Such platforms help achieve smoother development of an integrated system. Such a system is used by multiple android apps and developers with a set of skills can design and build IoT devices without hassle.

Android is being used in every component of the IoT. From sensors used in the device to data transfer mechanisms, android provides open-source options for better app development and management. You can avail Android application development services for IoT project for great results.



Yagnesh Vara
Mobile App Tech

Software and Web App Developers and content writers