Top 8 Tips For App Monetization

Essential tips for app monetization that every app developer should know.

Mobile Apps Stories


Branimir is a co-founder and CMO at AdTapsy, a mobile ad revenue accelerator aiming to help publishers and developers to monetize their apps.

1. Learn the terms

It is essential for every app developer to understand the meaning of at least 2 terms: eCPM and Fill Rate. eCPM stands for the advertising revenue generated per 1,000 impressions. Fill rate is percentage of ad requests that are returned with ads.

2. Have a Monetization Plan

Most apps fail to make money, because there is no monetization plan. Having a monetization strategy in the early stage of app development, will help you integrate it within the app without worrying about having a negative effect on UX.

3. Think Recommendations. Not Ads.

People hate ads. Try to be less aggressive and more polite, more useful to the user. The best way to make users feel most comfortable with spending time and money on your app is to be transparent.

4. Keep Your Users Engaged

“63% of adults in America agree that making everyday activities more like a game would make them more fun and rewarding” — JW Intelligence. Work on your app retention rate. Engage users by providing interesting and quality content/service.

5. Analyze & Optimize

App monetization is an ongoing process. For best results you should analyze and optimize your monetization strategy regularly. Avoid platforms that doesn’t provide a decent level of data transparency. The better reporting you have, the better results you can achieve once you learn to analyze data. Try different ad formats and ad placements.

6. Connect to multiple networks

Single ad network generates unstable eCPM and Fill rates. Using more ad networks allows you to stabilize your ad revenue and increase fill rates up to 99%. There are ad network mediation services like that are rotating and prioritizing many different ad networks within single app.

7. Ask your monetization platform

Whether your monetization platform is Ad Network or Mediator, talk with them. They are in the monetization business and will be more than happy to provide you with advices and best practices. It is a win-win situation.

8. Do some marketing

Spread the word about your app! More downloads will increase the amount of the money your app makes.

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