India Study Tracks Afib with Magpi, RedCap, and AliveCor

Magpi Mobile Data Collection
2 min readDec 21, 2017

A new study just published in BMJ describes using Magpi to track afib (atrial fibrillation) using multiple other tools, including AliveCor heart monitoring, RedCap clinical information systems, Stata analytics, and more .

From the study authors:

Based on our prior experience, we use the Magpi platform to administer questionnaire-based surveys to the participants. Magpi allows for off-line data collection in smartphones and tablets through a user-friendly app and uploads collected data to a secure server once the device connects to the Internet. The files from the AF screening apps (AliveCor and ANAND) are downloaded to a personal computer from the phones using iTunes. Results from the automated algorithm of AF screening apps and all abnormal AliveCor ECG tracings are uploaded to REDCap. Additionally, all data emerging from the clinical follow-up, except for questionnaire-based surveys, are uploaded to REDCap.

Because Magpi is now so easy to integrate, it’s easier to connect more Magpi data with other great apps. All the software that we use on the Web becomes like a set of building blocks to be easily connected, one to the other, to produce useful systems — often with no programming at all. Think of all the time and money saved over having to pay programmers to do the same thing!


Next month we’ll be making an announcement about even more powerful Magpi integrations, so stay tuned!

Originally published at Magpi.



Magpi Mobile Data Collection

Magpi is a mobile data collection, messaging and visualization system. Learn more at