Magpi Case Study Contest — Win an iPad!

Magpi Mobile Data Collection
1 min readJul 4, 2013

We’re looking for Magpi users to tell us about the great work they are doing with data collection. Our independent judges will choose the best case studies, and we’ll highlight them on our website at (and on Facebook and Twitter and LinkedIn). It’s a great opportunity for your organization to showcase its data collection accomplishments — and win an iPad in the process!Your case study will be reviewed by our notable panel of judges:

  • Patty Mechal — Executive Director of the mHealth Alliance at United Nations Foundation
  • Nick Martin — Director at TechChange
  • Mojca Cargo — Program Coordinator at GSMA Mobile for Development

What we’re looking for in your case study

  • Who or what are you collecting data about?
  • What problems were you trying to solve when deciding to use Magpi?
  • How did Magpi impact your project?
  • What were the cost savings?
  • What problems did you need to overcome?
  • Were there any unanticipated benefits to using Magpi?
  • How did it benefit your organizations data collection over all?
  • Tell us how Magpi has changed your organizations data collection or research practices.

The deadline for entries is midnight, Eastern Standard Time, on November 1st, 2013

Originally published at Magpi.



Magpi Mobile Data Collection

Magpi is a mobile data collection, messaging and visualization system. Learn more at