Magpi Now Integrates With 1,000 Other Products

Magpi Mobile Data Collection
2 min readJan 10, 2018

Integration with 1000 Apps — with No Programming! Can Your Mobile Data Collection Software Do That?

At Magpi, we know that getting your work done requires many different tools. In fact, the average organization uses between 10 and 16 different apps on a daily basis. You have your email app, note-taking tool, cloud storage tool, team communication app, databases and word processing, along with project management tools and various to-do lists. Sometimes, it can be a struggle to get them all working in tandem. But now, thanks to Magpi integration with Zapier, you can get your data where it needs to go.

Magpi + Zapier lets you stop wasting time manually moving data from one place to another, and quickly automate analysis, responses, and more.

Magpi now connects to more than one thousand other web tools (including Excel, Salesforce, Google, and more) thanks to our Zapier integration. With Zapier — a very popular (and very inexpensive) workflow automation tool — you can set up your own integrations called “Zaps” — with no programming. Zaps will automatically send information from one app to another, so you’ll spend less time manually transferring data between your business tools and can dedicate more focus to creative, big picture tasks. And less money paying programmers to integrate your data.

Boost Your Productivity with Popular Magpi Integrations

No matter what other apps you use, chances are Magpi integrates with them via Zapier. Here are some of the most popular integrations that Magpi users already use to be more productive.

The New Year is the perfect time to evaluate your processes and find ways to boost productivity. Try out some of the Zaps above or view more Magpi integration “zaps” (and if you want to integrate Magpi with DHIS2, we can do that, too, using our integration with OpenFn).

Originally published at Magpi.



Magpi Mobile Data Collection

Magpi is a mobile data collection, messaging and visualization system. Learn more at