Apple Developer account pending for more than 48 hours. What you can do and what to expect?

This is the team from @bear_in_the_dark - Growth Hackers Dev Team, and today we’re here to talk about a common issue many of us indie developers face when signing up for the Apple Developer Program: the dreaded enrollment delay. If you’ve been staring at a “Pending” status for more than 48 hours, you’re not alone.

Here’s what you need to know and how to handle it.

Understanding the Enrollment Process

When you sign up for the Apple Developer Program, the process is usually smooth and quick. Ideally, Apple reviews and activates your developer account within a few hours. However, it’s not uncommon for things to get stuck, and your account remains in “Pending” status for months.

Immediate Steps to Take

If your account hasn’t been confirmed within several hours, don’t panic. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Sometimes, the delay is due to a high volume of applications or internal checks by Apple. Give it at least 48 hours.
  2. If your status hasn’t changed after 48 hours, it’s time to reach out. Write an email to Apple’s support explaining your situation. Be clear, concise, and provide any relevant details about your enrollment.
  3. Sometimes, Apple might have sent you an email requesting additional information. Ensure you check your spam or junk folders just in case.

If You Enrolled via the Website

For those who enrolled through Apple’s website and are experiencing delays, there’s a specific approach you should take:

  • Use the Developer App: Often, if you enrolled via the website and faced delays, logging into the Apple Developer app might trigger the system to complete your enrollment process. It’s a little trick, but it has worked for some developers.

What to Expect

Here’s the hard truth: after you’ve contacted Apple, you might be in for a wait. The response time can vary widely, from a few days to 3–6 weeks or MORE. While this can be frustrating, especially for eager developers ready to launch their apps, it’s a part of the process.

If you enrolled via the web site, then ask them cancel it and activation the enrollment via the Developer app! This will work.

Tips During the Waiting Period

  • Keep Developing: Use this time to refine your app, work on bug fixes, or plan your marketing strategy. Being productive can help divert your attention from the wait.
  • Regularly check your email and Apple Developer account for any updates or changes in status.

Delays in the Apple Developer Program enrollment can be a hiccup, but they’re not the end of the world. With a bit of patience and proactive communication with Apple, you’ll get through it. Remember, every developer goes through challenges, and how we handle them is what truly defines our way.

Stay tuned for more updates and tips from Bear_In_The_Dark Dev Studio. Happy coding!



@bear_in_the_dark - Growth Hackers
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