CounselloR SoC Project

Naman Mishra
MDG Space
Published in
4 min readFeb 19, 2020


Presenting to you, CounselloR, a personal discussion forum based android application, exclusively for the IITR Junta. Counsellor serves as the medium of resolving almost any query one can face in his/her college life at IIT-R by providing a platform to interact with other students, scholars or professors. Want to discuss or get suggestions on a serious thing like internships or placements or post graduation studies?? OR. Want to discuss and get suggestions on vague but fun things like which TV Series to watch next?? Don’t worry! Your “CounselloR” covers them all. Just sign in with your IIT-R G Suite ID and you are good to go!

Let’s now, get started with the details of the project!

Hell yeah, let’s begin!

Origin Of The IDEA!

When the freshers join the institute they are covered in a fog of dilemma regarding the various campus activities, groups, academics etc.. This same dilemma may be faced by anyone on campus in regard to a particular field. People in these situations need proper guidance/counselling to guide their way through. Interacting with the people who have been through similar situations or have a nice grip of knowledge regarding the field can help in the best way possible. So, I wanted to create a platform that would bring these two sections of the guys together. There is a discussion forum already available on Channel — I that serves a similar purpose, but it is rarely used by anybody maybe because of the unease of accessibility. It was also brought to my notice that there are certain groups on the chatting platform “Telegram” that link the alumnis with the present college students, however, people are highly unaware of this as well.

Also some students are sort of too shy to interact with seniors in a way that would benefit them the most. So, keeping all these things in my mind and with the main focus on increasing the accessibilities of interactions, I came up with the idea of CounselloR and proposed it in the MDG SoC 2019.

App Details

Status : Not ready for release, yet.

The app welcomes the user asking to sign In or register.

Here’s the registration page:

After successful registration/signIn. It signs you in and builds the main wall.

Here’s the main wall with previously asked questions:

On clicking “ASK YOUR OWN QUESTION”, a new activity opens taking the user to ask question page.

Herein the user enters his/her question and selects the category he wants to place it in.

This categorization helps the users to get the proper arrangement of similar questions together.

On clicking the ASK button, the question gets uploaded.

The button on the top right corner of the TAB at the top opens the category list of question. Choosing a category opens the category’s wall with the questions of that category only.

On clicking on the card of the question, it opens the question along with option to enter an answer and previous answers to the question answered by the users.

On clicking the card of the answer opens the full detailed answer.

That’s the implementation done till now. Working on setting up the database correctly and will do further improvements in UI and make user profiles.

SOC Journey

My experience of the MDG SoC was absolutely fantastic. It was the best learning endeavor for me since my arrival at IIT Roorkee. It introduced me to the fascinating world of Android Development opening up new doors for me to explore and learn. I also got introduced to the java programming language, something which I always wanted to switch to but did not get a chance (you can say I was too lazy to do it myself, XD). I also learnt using git and GitHub and got the experience of using the version control system on a proper project.

The journey was amazing.

Was it easy?

Hell NO!!!

This is the thing about app development that intrigues me the most, it is as challenging as it is compelling. But challenges only make the learning process better. I was duly supported and encouraged by my mentors and the members of the Mobile Development Group, IIT Roorkee.

