MDG Recruitment Drive 2021

Prakhar gupta
MDG Space
Published in
6 min readMar 4, 2021

Just chill out about the Recruitments already!

The Online semesters, due to Pandemic may have taken a lot from us: Campus life, Chapos, the chance to dance with that someone at Prom/Freshers Ball, etc etc, but (definitely) not our amazing group culture. We usually hold our recruitments for the Freshers at the end of their first semester, and keeping that very tradition alive, MDG shall be recruiting right after the ETEs end for the 1st year in March.

So Freshers, chill till your semester is done and dusted, and take it easy. Well as easy as easy can be, with tons of untouched slides and hours of lecture recordings to look forward to xD

This mini-blog talks about :

(1) Who we are (in case you missed our intro-talk),

(2) Who we’re looking out for and

(3) How our recruitments are gonna go down.

(4) Droid Wars 2k21

Who are we? (who, who🦉):

As the name suggests, we are the Mobile Developers of R-Land!

As a group, we work on innovative solutions, creating applications that ease the lives of fellow R-landers. We are also involved with fostering the culture of Open Source in our tech community. Our members are not limited to Android and Flutter development but are also skilled at other software development domains, for eg. Backend, Frontend, AI, Cloud, etc. Although we expect potential recruits to have a basic knowledge of Mobile Dev/Design, this is just one aspect of our recruitment process. We’re looking forward to recruiting kids with a genuine interest and/or prior experience in any and all development frameworks. That being said, we aren’t expecting or even need potential recruits to be skilled programmers.

Here at MDG, we believe in bringing ideas to reality, and that needs some serious pizzazz.

Your enthusiasm to participate in what we do, passion to learn and grow with others — now these qualities are what we’re looking for, more so than just fancy projects.

So, if you got the pizzazz, you got da chance!

Recruiting Developers:

This time, we’re providing multiple pathways for you to join us.

Recruitment Test and follow-ups

  • Only open for Freshers: A registration form for the recruitment test will be floated on our social media handles in the coming weeks along with the test date info, so keep an eye on them. (Our media handles are linked at the end of the blog!). Droid wars will be conducted in the summers too. A Droid wars faq section has been added at the end of the blog.
  • The recruitment test will include Aptitude and Logical Reasoning, Programming (non-language specific), Basics of Mobile Development, and other sections for you to show off your skills.

Through Open-Source contributions

  • Open for All Years: We at MDG appreciate the significance of FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) and we hope to foster this culture in R-Land.
  • Hence this second pathway requires you to contribute to MDG open-source projects and/or showcase your other previous works to get a chance to get interviewed at MDG.
  • Recruitments shall be based on the quality of contribution and enthusiasm shown by candidates while contributing to MDG’s open-source projects. Details for this shall be shared later and this pathway opens up in late March this year. (Interested folks, join our Open Source Slack channel, the link’s down below!).

Recruiting Designers

We’re looking for students who would like to solve problems through the lens of design. Design is a vast field and encompasses different verticals in its own, who have their own tasks during problem-solving. We’re looking for enthusiastic graphic designers, UI/UX designers, product designers, and motion and 3D designers. But don’t worry, there’s no solid wall among these divisions and you don’t need to have any prerequisite knowledge about the same. We’re happy to guide you through the journey, and everyone would get a chance to contribute and learn about all these verticals at MDG.

Bonus: Do you like editing videos for fun, and would you like to learn more about video editing? You’re in luck! MDG is looking for passionate video editors this recruitment season. We started MDG talks last semester and we’ll be continuing them, and we have a few other interesting projects in the works and you will get a chance to edit and present these projects on our YouTube channel. Let those creative juices flow! :)

Umm, but, I don’t know how to design…

Don’t worry! We’ve got that covered for you. No solution is 100% right or wrong. Our problem statements can be solved by anyone who has an eye for details and has a zeal to search for innovative ideas.

“Being a designer is about believing that there is a better way of doing things.”


  • Design Assignment (for freshers)- We would be floating problem statements through our social media handles. The design task will include some interesting and logical daily life problems. It’s an opportunity for you to showcase your design thinking skills, creativity, and innovation. Based on the uniqueness of your submission and your approach to the problem we will call you for further interview rounds.

PS- Join our design channel on Slack's open-source community for any doubts.

  • Portfolio submission (for sophomores)- We will also be inviting applications for sophomore designers. You have to submit your portfolio or projects done earlier. Based on prior experiences and the quality of projects done, we will call you for interviews.


Since we’ve been getting loads of queries regarding this, we have collated this FAQ section for you. If this does not solve your doubt, then do ping us on our chat!

  1. What is Droid Wars?

Droid Wars is one of our annual coding programs, to initiate beginners into the world of Android development. We release problem statements, and the interested students ideate, build and debug their applications during the coding phase.

2. Who is eligible?

All first yearites are eligible, there are no prerequisites!

3. What is the timeline?

First up is the Learning Phase, during which we shall be releasing starter resources on a weekly basis. The problem statements shall also be released soon after- after which the Coding Phase begins. Ideally, the Coding Phase will be held during your summer vacations; we advise everyone to gear up during the Learning Phase now- and get ready. Stay tuned for more, watch our FB page closely, and join our OpenSource slack workspace for regular updates!

4. I don’t know Android/Dev…

Well, you’re in the right place. We shall soon be releasing beginner-friendly Android-Dev resources for you to learn and practice your skills.

5. Is there any pre-selection in order for us to participate?

No, all are welcome to participate and send in their submissions. We hope.

6. Would we be mentored?

As this is open-for-all, we can not, unfortunately, mentor everyone. However, we are active on our OpenSource workspace and will answer your doubts in the #droidwars21 channel.

7. Are these recruitments for MDG?

Yes, this acts as a side-door entry for extremely deserving candidates.

8. Can Flutter, React Native, Xamarin, iOS, or any other mobile dev platform (native or cross-platform) be used?


9. Where can we ask doubts regarding droid wars?

Ping us on our chat here Join our OpenSource Workspace(Link at the end of the blog), and the #droidwars21 channel as well!

Social Media Handles

Slack open-source channel:

Note: Join ASAP as the joining link will expire soon.

This article is co-authored by Riya Elizabeth John and Anushka Jain.

