React Native 0.29 review from an android developer

Alec Holmes
Mobile Dorset
Published in
1 min readAug 12, 2016

Disclaimer: I only spent a few weeks with React Native! I’ve spent 7 years with android development. I am BIASED!

I’ve been writing android apps since 2009 (that feels like a LONG time). In the past I’ve shunned alternative app building approaches like PhoneGap and Ionic, especially when it comes to building for multiple platforms using a single code base such as Xamarin and j2objc. This opinion is quite closed minded and so after avoiding it for a long time I invested some time into learning React Native in order to give a talk on the subject at Mobile Dorset in August.

Some key points I wanted to cover:

  1. React Native != webview.
  2. React Native != write once, run anywhere
  3. Investigate application hierarchies with Stetho and UIAutomator
  4. Instant reload without gradle is cool
  5. IDE support isn’t great (IMO), however VSCode is awesome
  6. There are many barriers to entry (slide 12)
  7. Lack of maturity for plugins. It’s only version 0.29 so its understandable

Over all I think react native has some really interesting aspects and I feel encouraged to investigate other platforms offering similar experiences such as Xamarin and NativeScript

I’d love some feedback on the presentation, especially if anything was incorrect or misrepresented.



Alec Holmes
Mobile Dorset

Android Contractor in Remote Land! (Bournemouth)