Mobile Growth Nightmares Podcast #2 featuring stories from Duolingo, Hopper, and Tubi TV

Andy Carvell
The Mobile Growth Stack
2 min readJul 19, 2018

In this episode, recorded on the road during MAU Las Vegas, Gessica Bicego and I talk to three growth experts about some of the darkest moments in their careers.

Episode #2 is live now on iTunes:
and on SoundCloud:

Note: Due to the nature of recording on the go, the sound quality isn’t as great as usual, but the content itself makes up for it!

Prachi Snehal from Tubi TV, Cem Kansu from Duolingo, and Simon Lejeune from Hopper are not afraid to go back and revisit their biggest mobile growth nightmares.

First up on this episode is Cem Kansu (Twitter: @cemkansu), Senior Product Manager at Duolingo. Cem is the Senior Product Manager (Monetization) at Duolingo, where he leads revenue products including Duolingo Plus, a la carte purchases, and advertising.

Learn how Cem found out the hard way that avatars were not a great idea for Duolingo, and how difficult it turned out to kill them because of the fallacy of sunken cost.

Up next is Simon Lejeune (Twitter: @lejeunesimon), head of user acquisition at Hopper. Hopper is the #1 most installed travel booking app in the US. With a strong focus on automation and prioritization, Simon has built a small technical team that is able to execute hyper targeted campaigns at scale across the largest UA channels. Prior to that, Simon was the marketing director at Busbud, the now-largest bus travel booking website in the world, where his team won multiple awards for their SEO & SEM strategies.

Simon shares his experience on a re-targeting test that seemed too good to be true — until it was.

Last but not least, we hear from Prachi (Twitter: @PsnehalP) , Lead Product Manager, Mobile + Growth at Prachi is a Senior Product Manager with a history of working in hi-tech industry as product, marketing and growth professional. Skilled in everything data, Mobile Products, Streaming Media, Growth Strategy, and Consulting. Engineer with a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Columbia Business School.

If you’re doing anything with deep links, be careful: a flawed deep linking schema can ruin your birthday, as it did in Prachi’s story.

All this, and more, in the latest episode of Mobile Growth Nightmares…

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Andy Carvell
The Mobile Growth Stack

Co-Founder at Phiture Mobile Growth Consultancy — we help apps grow. Formerly Mobile Growth @ SoundCloud, living in Berlin, listening to techno.