The Third Edition of Branch’s Mobile Growth Handbook Launches Today!

Mada Seghete
Mobile Growth
Published in
3 min readJun 13, 2018

I am incredibly proud to announce that Branch is releasing the 2018 Mobile Growth Handbook today. After a full year of research, listening, and learning from experts at hundreds of events and webinars—as well as during our inaugural cross-platform mobile conference, Branchout—we’ve launched an incredible 300+ page book with:

  • 120+ new tips and best practices from top mobile growth experts
  • Graphs, numbers, and data to help you understand the mobile app ecosystem
  • Links to the best blogs, sources, and community for mobile growth
  • Exclusive insights released from Branch’s 2018 Mobile Growth Industry Report, coming later this year

The 2018 Mobile Growth Handbook breaks down growth into five different distinct steps: Acquisition, Activation, Engagement & Retention, Referral, and Attribution. This year’s contributing experts span far and wide — hailing from Amazon, eBay, Facebook, HuffPost, LinkedIn, Lyft, Netflix, Skyscanner, Slack, Spotify, Tinder, Turner, Yelp, and over 100 more — but they have one thing in common: they know mobile.

Kudos go to Peter LaBerge and Michael Hindman, who did an incredible job pulling everything mobile growth tips, quotes, and industry knowledge together into a beautiful and cohesive book. Also, thank you to everyone who answered our Mobile Growth Survey — your answers helped us, and, as promised, I just donated to CodeEd. I encourage you to check them out and to volunteer or donate, as well :)

Here is a link to download the Handbook. You can also click here to learn more about the Handbook. We hope you share it with your friends, colleagues, and anyone interested in growing their presence on mobile!



Mada Seghete
Mobile Growth

Co-founder | Mobile Growth enthusiast | Loves sci-fi, mobile games, hugs and triple cappuccinos