Implement Compose Navigation in Compose Multiplatform

Mayur Waghmare
Mobile Innovation Network
2 min readJun 7, 2024

Recently Google has announced official support for Kotlin Multiplatform in Google IO.

Now we have multi-platform support for some popular Jetpack Libraries like DataStore, Room, Navigation etc.

Till now we were dependent on third-party libraries like decompose, voyager etc. for handling navigation in our Compose Multiplatform projects.

Compose Multiplatform now supports the Jetpack Compose approach to navigation.

Note: The navigation library is currently Experimental.

The key components of Compose Navigation include:

  • NavHost: The container for navigation graph that hosts the destinations.
  • NavController: Manages app navigation within a NavHost.
  • NavGraph: Defines a set of destinations and actions that represent the navigation structure.

Lets see the steps to implement it in our next project.

Step 1: Add Dependency

To use the navigation library, add the following dependency to your commonMain source set:

kotlin {
// ...
sourceSets {
// ...
commonMain.dependencies {
// ...
// ...

Step 2: Create Navigation Routes

Just as with Jetpack Compose create list of routes that should be included in the navigation graph. Each route must be a unique string that defines a path.

enum class SpotifyScreen(val title: StringResource) {
Home(title = Res.string.home),
MusicList(title = Res.string.music_list),
MusicDetail(title = Res.string.music_detail),
Profile(title = Res.string.profile)

Step 3: Setup Navigation Controller

Instantiate NavController and use it in your main composable.

val navController: NavHostController = rememberNavController()

Step 4: Create Navigation Graph

Define your navigation graph using a NavHost and NavController.

  1. Choose the starting destination from the list of routes.
  2. Create a navigation graph which included your list of routes(screens).
navController = navController,
startDestination =,
modifier = Modifier
) {
composable(route = {
modifier = Modifier
composable(route = {
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxHeight()

That’s it. You are ready to navigate.


Compared to Jetpack Compose, the current limitations of navigation in Compose Multiplatform include:

  • Deep links (handling or following them) are not supported.
  • The BackHandler function and predictive back gestures are not supported on any platform besides Android.

Third-Party Alternatives

If the Compose Multiplatform navigation components do not meet your needs, there are several third-party alternatives you can consider:

Decompose: Provides a flexible and powerful way to handle navigation across different platforms.

Voyager: Offers a type-safe and easy-to-use API for managing navigation.

Appyx: Supports complex navigation scenarios, such as nested navigators and parallel navigation flows.

Precompose: Simplifies navigation and lifecycle management in Compose applications.

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Mayur Waghmare
Mobile Innovation Network

"Mobile App Developer specializing in Android, iOS, and Flutter. Passionate about crafting user-focused, efficient mobile solutions."