Kotlin Tips : Keep Your Code Clean
As a developer, clean and maintainable code is key. In this post, we’ll explore valuable tips to help you achieve a cleaner codebase.
1. Use Extension Functions
Extension functions allows you to add functionality to existing classes without modifying their source code.
- Reduce boilerplate code
- Improve code readability
// Function to split the string into individual words
fun String.splitToWords(): List<String> {
return this.split("\\s+".toRegex())
fun main() {
val sentence = "Hello World, this is an example sentence"
val words = sentence.splitToWords()
println(words) // [Hello, World,, this, is, an, example, sentence]
2. Use Data Classes
- Concise way to create data-holding classes
- Automatically generates: equals(), hashCode(), toString()
- Makes your code more efficient
// Instead of writing a class with getters and setters
class User(val name: String, val age: Int) {
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
// implementation
override fun hashCode(): Int {
// implementation
override fun toString(): String {
// implementation
// Use a data class
data class User(val name: String, val age: Int)
3. Use Coroutines
- Easier to read and maintain asynchronous code
- Avoids callback hell
- Makes code more efficient
suspend fun performRequest(): String {
// perform request
return "result"
4. Use Null Safety
- Helps to avoid null pointer exceptions
- Ensures code is safe and reliable
- Prevents runtime crashes and errors due to null references
// Instead of using the !! operator
val name: String? = "John"
println(name!!) // throws NPE if name is null
// Use the safe call operator ?.
val name: String? = "John"
println(name?.toUpperCase()) // prints "JOHN" or null
5. Use Smart Casts
- Reduces boilerplate code
- Makes code more readable
- Automatically casts an object to a specific type when its type is checked beforehand
// Instead of using the as keyword to cast an object
val obj: Any = "John"
val name = obj as String
// Use a smart cast
val obj: Any = "John"
if (obj is String) {
val name = obj // name is automatically cast to String
6. Use when Expression
- Reduces boilerplate code
- Makes code more readable
- Allows for concise and expressive handling of different scenarios based on the value of an object
- Can replace lengthy if-else chains with a more concise and elegant syntax
// Instead of using series of if-else statements
val color = "red"
if (color == "red") {
println("The color is red")
} else if (color == "green") {
println("The color is green")
} else {
println("The color is unknown")
// Use a when expression
val color = "red"
when (color) {
"red" -> println("The color is red")
"green" -> println("The color is green")
else -> println("The color is unknown")
7. Use String Templates
- Reduces boilerplate code
- Makes code more readable
- Allows for concise and expressive string manipulation
- Enables easy insertion of variables and expressions into strings
- Eliminates the need for concatenation or StringBuilder usage
- Improves code clarity and maintainability
// Instead of using the + operator to concatenate strings
val name = "John"
val age = 30
val message = "My name is " + name + " and I am " + age + " years old."
// Use a string template
val name = "John"
val age = 30
val message = "My name is $name and I am $age years old."
8. Use apply Function
- Allows for concise and expressive object configuration
- Enables chaining of multiple operations on an object in a fluent manner
- Returns the object itself, making it suitable for method chaining and builder patterns
- Improves code clarity and maintainability by reducing the need for temporary variables and repetitive code
// Instead of creating an object and then setting its properties
val person = Person()
person.name = "John"
person.age = 30
// Use the apply function
val person = Person().apply {
name = "John"
age = 30
9. Use sealed Classes
- Enables exhaustive when expressions
- Defines a fixed set of subclasses
- Improves code clarity and maintainability
- Enables compiler checks
sealed class Color {
object Red : Color() {
val hexCode = "#FF0000"
object Green : Color() {
val hexCode = "#00FF00"
object Blue : Color() {
val hexCode = "#0000FF"
fun getHexCode(color: Color): String {
return when (color) {
is Color.Red -> color.hexCode
is Color.Green -> color.hexCode
is Color.Blue -> color.hexCode
fun main() {
println(getHexCode(Color.Red)) // #FF0000
println(getHexCode(Color.Green)) // #00FF00
println(getHexCode(Color.Blue)) // #0000FF
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