Migrate to Kotlin 2.0 with 6 Easy Steps

Mayur Waghmare
Mobile Innovation Network
2 min readJun 10, 2024

Kotlin 2.0 has arrived with lots of new features that make the language better. If you’re looking to upgrade your project to Kotlin 2.0, here are six easy steps to ensure a smooth migration.

Before Proceeding : Update Your Tools

  • Plugins
  • Tools
  • Android Studio

Step 1: Add Versions and Plugins to Gradle Version Catalog

This step involves updating your project’s libs.versions.toml file to include the necessary Kotlin and Compose Compiler versions.

kotlin_version = "2.0.0"

compose-compiler = { id = "org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.compose", version.ref = "kotlin_version" }

Step 2: Modify Root Level Gradle File

Add the Compose Compiler plugin in the root build.gradle.kts file to ensure it is available for your modules.

plugins {
alias(libs.plugins.compose.compiler) apply false

Step 3: Apply Plugin in Modules Using Compose

Each module that uses Jetpack Compose needs to explicitly apply the Compose Compiler plugin.

plugins {

Step 4: Remove Old Compose Compiler Version

The compose Options block specifying kotlinCompiler Extension Version is no longer needed and should be removed.

android {
// Other configurations...
// Remove this block
// composeOptions { kotlinCompilerExtensionVersion = "1.4.0" }

Step 5: Optional: Configure Compose Compiler

This step is optional and includes additional configuration settings for the new Compose Compiler, like enabling strong skipping mode.

composeCompiler {
enableStrongSkippingMode = true

Step 6: Update Maven Artifacts

Replace the old Jetpack Compose compiler dependencies with the new ones from the Kotlin repository.

dependencies {
// Remove old dependencies
// implementation("androidx.compose.compiler:compiler")
// implementation("androidx.compose.compiler:compiler-hosted")

// Add new dependencies

Additional Tips:

Sync Gradle: After making these changes, sync your project with Gradle to apply the updates.

Test Thoroughly: Run your project and perform extensive testing to ensure everything works correctly with the new compiler.

Update Your IDE: Make sure you are using the latest version of Android Studio and Kotlin plugin to avoid compatibility issues.

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Mayur Waghmare
Mobile Innovation Network

"Mobile App Developer specializing in Android, iOS, and Flutter. Passionate about crafting user-focused, efficient mobile solutions."