More Libraries to Enhance Compose Multiplatform — Part 2

Chetansinh Rajput
Mobile Innovation Network
3 min readJul 5, 2024

Welcome back to our series on essential libraries for Compose Multiplatform! In our previous blog, we explored a set of tools that enhanced your development experience with functionalities like scalable size units, QR code generation and scanning, date picking, media playback, and screen capturing. Today, we continue our journey with another batch of must-have libraries that will further streamline your development process and add robust features to your Android and iOS applications.

1. CMPConnectivityMonitor

Maintaining network connectivity is crucial for mobile apps to ensure a seamless user experience and reliable data synchronization. CMPConnectivityMonitor simplifies this task with:

  • Real-time Monitoring: Instantly detect and update your UI based on network status changes.
  • Connectivity Types: Distinguish between Wi-Fi and Cellular connections.
  • Simple API: Easily integrate into your Compose Multiplatform apps.

GitHub Repository: CMPConnectivityMonitor

Learn more: Medium Article

2. CMPTooltipBox

Enhance your app’s onboarding experience with CMPTooltipBox, a library offering customizable overlays and interactive tutorials:

  • Guide Users: Highlight important features and walk users through your app.
  • Personalize: Customize tooltips to match your app’s design.

GitHub Repository: CMPTooltipBox

Learn more: Medium Article

3. CMPCountryCodePicker

Simplify phone number input with CMPCountryCodePicker, which makes selecting country codes easy and intuitive:

  • Quick Selection: Users can easily choose their country code.
  • Enhanced UX: Streamline phone number input for a better user experience.

GitHub Repository: CMPCountryCodePicker

Learn more: Medium Article

4. CMPImagePickNCrop

CMPImagePickNCrop simplifies image handling in your Compose Multiplatform app:

  • Pick Photos: Allow users to select images from their device’s gallery.
  • Crop Images: Provide tools to crop photos before uploading or processing.

GitHub Repository: CMPImagePickNCrop

Learn more: Medium Article


Incorporating these libraries into your Compose Multiplatform projects can elevate your app’s functionality and user experience. CMPConnectivityMonitor, CMPTooltipBox, CMPCountryCodePicker, and CMPImagePickNCrop simplify complex tasks, enabling you to focus on delivering exceptional user experiences. Integrate these libraries into your projects and elevate your Compose Multiplatform development to new heights. Stay tuned for more tools that will transform how you build apps for Android and iOS.

Essential Libraries for Compose Multiplatform: Boost Your Android and iOS Development — Part 1

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