QRKit 2.0 Scan, Generate, Customize [Compose Multiplatform]

Mobile Innovation Network
3 min readAug 14, 2024

Are you looking for a way to generate customized QR codes in your Android, iOS, and desktop apps? Look no further than QRKit-2.0, a Compose Multiplatform library that allows you to create stunning QR codes with ease.

Customization Options

With QRKit-2.0, you can customize your QR codes to fit your brand’s style and aesthetic. Choose from a variety of options, including:

  • Customized patterns for QR codes
  • Customized eyes for QR codes
  • Customized colors for QR codes
  • Add a logo to your QR code
  • Select different shapes for your QR code

You can even pass in custom shapes and patterns to create a truly unique QR code.


To get started simply add the dependency to your build.gradle.kts file:

commonMain.dependencies {


Basic QR Code Generation

Generating a basic QR code is as simple as using the rememberQrKitPainter function:

val painter = rememberQrKitPainter(data = inputText)

painter = painter,
contentDescription = null,
modifier = Modifier.size(100.dp)

Designed QR Code Generation

To create a more customized QR code, you can use rememberQrKitPainter function with additional options:

val centerLogo = painterResource(Res.drawable.ic_youtube)

val painter = rememberQrKitPainter(
data = inputText,
options = {
centerLogo { painter = centerLogo }

qrColors {
darkColorBrush = QrKitBrush.customBrush {
0f to Color.White,
1f to Color.White,
end = Offset(it, it)
frameColorBrush = QrKitBrush.solidBrush(Color.Blue)

qrShapes {
ballShape = getSelectedQrBall(QrBallType.SquareQrBall())
darkPixelShape = getSelectedPixel(PixelType.SquarePixel())
frameShape = getSelectedQrFrame(QrFrameType.SquareQrFrame())
qrCodePattern = getSelectedPattern(PatternType.SquarePattern)

1. Creating a QR Code Painter

To create a QR code painter, use the rememberQrKitPainter function and pass in the input text:

val painter = rememberQrKitPainter(inputText)

This will create a QR code painter with the specified input text.

2. Setting the Center Logo

To set the center logo of the QR code, use the centerLogo function:

centerLogo { painter = centerLogo }

This will set the center logo of the QR code to the specified logo.

3. Configuring Colors

To configure the colors used in the QR code, use the qrColors function:

qrColors {
// configure colors here

Within the qrColors block, you can configure the following:

  • darkColorBrush: Sets a custom dark color brush with a linear gradient.
darkColorBrush = QrKitBrush.customBrush {
0f to Color.White,
1f to Color.White,
end = Offset(it, it)

4. Configuring Shapes

To configure the shapes used in the QR code, use the qrShapes function:

qrShapes {
// configure shapes here

Within the qrShapes block, you can configure the following:

  • ballShape: Sets the ball shape to a square QR ball.
ballShape = getSelectedQrBall(QrBallType.SquareQrBall())
  • darkPixelShape: Sets the dark pixel shape to a square pixel.
darkPixelShape = getSelectedPixel(PixelType.SquarePixel())
  • frameShape: Sets the frame shape to a square QR frame.
frameShape = getSelectedQrFrame(QrFrameType.SquareQrFrame())
  • qrCodePattern: Sets the QR code pattern to a square pattern.
qrCodePattern = getSelectedPattern(PatternType.SquarePattern)

Data Types for QR Codes

Supports a variety of data types for your QR codes:

val email: String = email("developer@gmail.com", "addeveloper@gmail.com", "Lorem ipsum", "Lorem ipsum")

val painter = rememberQrKitPainter(data = email)

painter = painter, contentDescription = null, modifier = Modifier.size(100.dp)
  1. text: Simple text data type.
  2. phone: Telephone number data type.
  3. email: Email address data type.
  4. sms: Short message service data.
  5. wifi: Wireless network configuration data.
  6. event: Calendar event data type.
  7. location: Geographic location data type.

Final Demo:


Integrating a QR code generator library like QRKit-2.0 can enhance the functionality, streamline processes, and improve the user experience in your application. With its powerful customization options and ease of use, QRKit-2.0 is the perfect solution for generating QR codes in your Compose Multiplatform app.

For QRCode Scanner follow below link:


Happy coding ❤

