Understanding Composition Local: Jetpack Compose

Mayur Waghmare
Mobile Innovation Network
3 min readJul 5, 2024

As we dive deeper into the world of Jetpack Compose, it’s essential to explore the powerful tools. One such tool is CompositionLocal.

To understand CompositionLocal, lets first understand:

Data Flow in Composable

- In Jetpack Compose, data flows down through the composition tree.

- Each parent composable passes necessary data explicitly to their children.

- For data used by multiple composables, passing the same data along the tree can become cumbersome.

Here Comes CompositionLocal

- CompositionLocal allows the creation of objects available throughout the entire UI tree or specific subtrees.

- It eliminates the need to pass data explicitly through all composables, making data implicitly available.

Lets have a look at some of the widely used Composition Local:

Predefined CompositionLocals

Jetpack Compose comes with several predefined CompositionLocal objects that facilitate common use cases.

1. LocalContext

This provides the current Android context. It’s often used when you need to access Android-specific APIs.

val context = LocalContext.current
Toast.makeText(context, "Hello, World!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

2. LocalConfiguration

Provides the current configuration (e.g., screen size, orientation).

val configuration = LocalConfiguration.current
val screenWidth = configuration.screenWidthDp
when (configuration.orientation) {
Text("Landscape : $screenWidth")
else -> {
Text("Portrait : $screenWidth")

3. LocalLifecycleOwner

Provides the LifecycleOwner of the current composition. This is useful for observing lifecycle events.

val lifecycleOwner = LocalLifecycleOwner.current

4. LocalDensity

Provides density information which can be used to convert between dp, sp, and px.

val density = LocalDensity.current
val paddingInPx = with(density) { 16.dp.toPx() }

5. LocalLayoutDirection

Provides the current layout direction (LTR or RTL).

val layoutDirection = LocalLayoutDirection.current

6. LocalViewModelStoreOwner

Provides the ViewModelStoreOwner, for accessing ViewModels within the current scope.

val viewModelStoreOwner = LocalViewModelStoreOwner.current
val homeViewModel: HomeViewModel = viewModel(
key = "HomeViewModel",
viewModelStoreOwner = viewModelStoreOwner

User-Defined CompositionLocals

You can define your own to share custom data across your composables. Lets see it with an example.

Step 1: Define the CompositionLocal

In this example, LocalUser is a CompositionLocal that holds a User object.

val LocalUser = compositionLocalOf<User> { error("No user provided") }

Step 2: Define the CompositionLocal

The CompositionLocalProvider is used to provide the User instance to the composables within its scope.

fun MyApp() {
val user = remember { User("John Doe") }
CompositionLocalProvider(LocalUser provides user) {

Step 3: Consume the CompositionLocal

Any composable within the scope can access the User instance using LocalUser.current.

fun MyScreen() {
val user = LocalUser.current
Text(text = "Hello, ${user.name}")


  • Implicit Data Sharing: Makes data available across composables without explicit passing.
  • Cleaner Code: Reduces boilerplate and enhances code readability.
  • Lifecycle Management: Ensures proper lifecycle handling for ViewModels and other dependencies.
  • Flexible Scoping: Allows different values for different parts of the UI tree.

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Mayur Waghmare
Mobile Innovation Network

"Mobile App Developer specializing in Android, iOS, and Flutter. Passionate about crafting user-focused, efficient mobile solutions."