How to Use Quora to Promote Your Mobile App

Ihsan Kilic
4 min readFeb 20, 2018


If you are a developer with a low budget, you need to focus on organic marketing efforts. There are many ways to promote your app with zero budget and these strategies can step up your mobile app to highest levels of downloads. And Quora is one of them and has many advantages for you.

First of all, let me talk about Quora. It is simply a question & answer based communication platform where questions are asked, answered, edited, and organized by its community of users. The platform defines itself as: “A place to share knowledge and better understand the world.”

Why Quora?

Today, Quora has over 200 million monthly unique visitors. So, we can say that there is a huge society that you can get benefit from. You can use Quora to build authority on your chosen topic, learn from others, answer questions about your mobile app directly and find out the questions people are asking about a topic that relevant with your app.

It is beneficial when it comes to consider them:

-Staying close to potential users,

-Building an organic relationship,

-Low risk but high efficiency.

How to Use Quora?

Actually, using Quora as a promotion tool is not hard. All you need to do is just to discover the ways and get the work accordingly! Let’s get it started.

1. Find the Relevant Topics With Your App

In order to start with Quora, you need to find topics first. Finding relevant topics make your business easier and helps you to find your way. For instance, you are an alarm clock app owner and want to promote your app via Quora. You need to search on Quora like “mobile apps”, “utility apps” “tool apps” “alarm clock apps” etc. Once you find the topics, you can dig deeper.

2. Find the Relevant Questions With Your App

After the topic search, you need to find relevant questions on that topics. Let’s keep moving on with the same example, alarm clock app.

You can simply search the relevant questions from topics. But if you cannot find it, search them specifically on Quora like: “What is the best alarm clock app”. After that, you’ll get some questions in there. Take a look at all of these topics and begin to answer them.

You can also think differently to find more questions. It is all about finding relevant topics with your app and promoting it. For example, there is a topic like “Are alarm clock apps more effective than a normal alarm clock for sleep quality?” and it can be your promoting opportunity but you cannot find this topic at first search results. So, it’s up to your efforts.

Here’s the trick; if you are struggling with finding the relevant question with your mobile app, you can create one and answer by yourself. To do that; just click the “What is your question?” button, write your question and click “add anonymously” button.

After creating the question, send someone who is interested in that type of questions an invitation that includes a request to answer the question. This way, your question may become popular as your answer.

And don’t forget, you need to show people that the answer / the solution is your app!

3. Create Unique and Evergreen Answers

While you answering so many questions, you may get tired or bored. Because of that, you may answer with the similar content or even the same one. But it is not a great decision at all. Take a break, leave it tomorrow but don’t answer them with same answers. It may also be perceived as spam by Quora, so be careful.

Being attentive opens the door to create evergreen answers when you answer the questions. Because the great part when you reach users on this platform is that you obtain long-term effects. If the content posted is good enough it will remain visible forever.

In short, Quora is an effective way to reach your audience by organic efforts and it is still popular on internet. So start to use Quora and make your app more popular!

