Mobile is growing and so are its ( you and me) users

Carly Jensen
Mobile Me & You
Published in
2 min readNov 2, 2015

The device you may be reading this article on is probably mobile and probably a smart phone. If true, you’re also using mobile app to read this story. All those apps, and there are millions of them, have been created for a specific purpose. The time spent developing them is also probably greater than most people realize.

Today at the Mobile Me & You conference, hosted by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, experts in mobile media from around the world gathered to discuss the power of journalism on mobile devices.

The keynote presentation was given by the creator of BillyPenn, Jim Brady. Brady talked about the creation of his mobile first site that delivers news to the Philadelphia area. In fact, BillyPenn is all about Philadelphia. BillyPenn shares links to other direct news stories, staffers create their own reporting pieces, and BillyPenn also hold events across Philadelphia to build its community of followers. Brady said he is thankful for all the success the website has recieved in its first year.

One of the conference’s breakout sessions featured a discussion about mobile apps with two experts in the field. Emily Ingram and Andy Boyle are both UNL CoJMC alumni and have crossed over into the field of mobile applications in journalism. Boyle talked about why mobile apps are so important and will always be.

Ingram talked about how there are still struggles with creating mobile apps but says there is with all technology.

One listener from the mobile apps discussion was CoJMC journalism student Colleen Fell. Colleen said she enjoyed the presentation and found the speakers information helpful.

Another conference attendee and speaker, was Ohio State University assitant communication professor Nicole Kraft. She participated in the breakout session with the Pew Research Center.

The Mobile Me & You conference continues today and tomorrow at the UNL’s main campus Student Union.

Originally published at on October 29, 2015.

