Alexia Stavropoulou
Mobile Reputations
Published in
5 min readJan 7, 2019


Mobile Me and You Project (Streaming Apps) Part VII|Mobile Reputations Course| AD&PR Lab

More and more trends overwhelm our contemporary world. In the purposes of our course ‘’Mobile Reputations’’, we, as students of AD&PR Lab of Panteion University , run a survey in order to investigate the usage that the Millennials do in their self phones. Specifically we choose to focus on streaming platforms by interviewing 10 persons in order to meet the needs of our project.

Let’s meet Leonida Stravoudaki!

Leonidas is 26 years old and has a Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering at Technical University of Crete.

His usage of his phone during the day is quite limited, approximately one hour per day. The only app that uses in order to schedule his day is the alarm clock. He uses his phone only to check if he has a message on messenger or to search on google maps a place that he would like to explore. There are a lot of apps in his smartphone that he never uses and doesn’t know even what they are useful for. Moreover, he prefers buying things online mainly clothes, than go to a Mall. He hasn’t an instagram account, he only has facebook just for browsing sometimes while he is barely active on it. Sometimes he enjoys sharing content with his friends, mostly photos and at times videos or interesting articles for amusement. Well, as you can think, he wouldn’t mind if he hasn’t had his mobile phone for one day but he also believes that smartphones nowadays are necessary to everyone since make our lives much easier. Although he uses very little his phone, it makes him feel connected especially when he communicates with a group of people in a chat or when he hears about events that he is interested in or even keep up with the daily news from all over the world.

Besides mobile, Leonidas has a laptop and a portable Bluetooth speaker for music. Regarding college he uses only his laptop in order to complete his assignment and to communicate with his colleagues. He confessed us that his favorite device is laptop. Furthermore, Leonidas told us that he is totally in favor of sharing platforms because he considers that there is no trust nowadays. He supports that we should turned it around. He has used airbnb and couchsurfing with success. He hasn’t used any cars sharing apps yet but he would totally do it and recommended it. Regarding couchsurfing is a platform of hospitality where you can stay with locals and meet travelers. According Leonida, this application is really widespread abroad but here in Greece people are not familiar with this kind of platforms. As he tols us it was a unique experience to him.

Leonidas rarely uses his phone when he is with other people because he believes there is a lack of communication so he doesn’t feel comfortable doing it. As he expressly said :<< I don’t like being part in a community in that way , through my phone!>> Also revealed us that he doesn’t follow any influencer and actually finds this influencer trend that doesn’t suit him. He also considers that he doesn’t have the same habits with his friends since he doesn’t use Instagram and the amount of time of daily usage which is less compare to his friends. As regards the streaming apps he only use them via his laptop for entertainment and e-learning. The most used are YouTube, Netflix and edX (Harvard University and MIT e-learning courses) and he spends at least 4 hours per day.

So that was the interview of Leonida regarding the usage that he does in his mobile phone. If you want to read more interviews , you can just stay with us in Part 8…

Team: ted m

Professor: Betty Tsakarestou

If you want to learn how this project got started and the methodology that we followed you can take a look at the following articles:

