Alexia Stavropoulou
Mobile Reputations
Published in
5 min readJan 12, 2019


Mobile Me and You Project (Streaming Apps) |Mobile Reputations Course| AD&PR Lab

More and more trends overwhelm our contemporary world. In the purposes of our course ‘’Mobile Reputations’’, we, as students of AD&PR Lab of Panteion University , run a survey in order to investigate the usage that the Millennials do in their self phones. Specifically we choose to focus on streaming platforms by interviewing 10 persons in order to meet the needs of our project.

Every beginning has an end so here are the findings of our research concerning the usage of the mobile phone and the streaming habits of the small group of people:

· An approximate usage of the mobile phone is 2–3 hours per day. But this time is only estimated and not calculated since our interviewers don’t use screen time. It’s the first and the last thing they check. Every single of them use their self phone on their daily routine for communicating — texting, checking their messages and emails, browsing on their social media accounts and being informed about the news. Moreover everyone uses apps for scheduling their day but only the alarm clock is used by everyone and the calendar and notes by some.

· All of them answered that their self phone makes them feel all time connected to the world and especially to their people. If they had to move it away for one day, they would feel , as they told us, paralyzed, stressful, anxious, weird or even lost. Just a few answered that would feel probably more free and relaxed without it, but in the end they would have the feeling of missing things.

· Everyone has Facebook, but not every person uses Instagram. We came to the conclusion that Facebook is used more for academic reasons through group chats or for being informed about the news while Instagram is used more for uploading their personal photos/ moments.

· For college issues most preferable device is laptop. Those who are committed to their job working on projects or tasks prefer using their laptop since it has everything they need. While everyone else favor mobile because is easy to handle and carry on with you. As for commute mobile phone is necessary to every single person. Platforms such as Google maps, Moovit, Oasa Telematics etc. are used from everyone for their navigation.

· Everybody enjoys sharing stuff digitally mostly with their friends for amusement via Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, Whatsapp or Viber. Fewer share stuff for working purposes.

· Every person we asked do online purchases via self phone at least once a year, mainly in clothes, accessories and gadgets, but most of them prefer going in stores or do that via their laptop because is more convenient to them , as they said.

· Regarding sharing applications , all of them are totally in favor of using them. Everyone has used Αirbnb and some of them bike sharing or couchsurfing and all would do it again and again. Millennials enjoy the interaction with people from different countries and cultures. It’s a pleasant experience to them. Of course, they always read reviews and recommendations before using those platforms and some of them ,mostly girls, probably wouldn’t use them all alone.

· As for influencers, there is a variety of contrasting opinions. Some support that the influencer marketing is a big trend that would not last. As they confessed us , they would never follow these accounts because the influencers are common people who just want to be more populous and get more likes and they can’t offer them anything authentic. This trend doesn’t suit them. On the other hand, most answer that enjoy following on Instagram mainly famous people or celebrities, people who are inspire them, are innovative, well informed and praiseworthy and generally have a positive impact on their lives.

· In the question :<<Do you use your mobile when you are with friends?>>, all of them told us that they don’t want to use it in front of them because they find it rude , offensive and feels like neglecting your people and there is a lack of communication between them but sometimes it’s inevitable since it’s always on your hands.

· Almost everyone believe that they share the same habits with their friends since they have the same applications. But the amount of time they spend on social and some interests depend on each personality may be differ.

· As for streaming platforms , every single one use them for entertainment in order to watch movies, series or listen to music. The most used apps are Youtube and Netflix and Spotify and Amazon afterwards, for music and movies correspondingly. The amount of time they spend daily is approximately 2–4 hours per day.

So we presented you the results of our research. If you want to learn how this project started and the methodology that we followed you can take a look at the following articles:

Team: ted m

Professor: Betty Tsakarestou

