“I can’t go around without a phone!”

That’s like going around without a brain. As Hanna Marin says !

Sofia Russu
Mobile Reputations
Published in
5 min readOct 20, 2016


As a part of our class “Mobile Reputation Collaborative Consumption in Sharing Economy”, in Panteion University, here we are writing on Medium about the way Social Media are dominating our life.

I am Sofia, a 21-years old girl , currently studying Marketing and Advertising. Lucky me, my studying field itself is pretty much about Social Media. These days advertising and social media go hand in hand.

As for me, my smartphone is literally an extension of my hand !

I think that I use social media all the time. Like most of the people around me. I don’t think I could ever, EVER, go back to the days when smartphones didn’t exist and there was no Instagram, or the other apps that I use now, in my life !

That would be a terrifying thought.

Social Media are the biggest part of my day, most days !

From they moment I wake up till the moment I am ready to sleep I use them regularly. Actually the very first thing I do when I open my eyes in the morning is to check all my notifications.

They usually are from Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Swarm and Twitter.

INSTAGRAM• my favorite app

After I check all my apps once, I usually scroll in my Instagram home page a lot, I-can’t-even-tell-how-many times-a-day. I never miss a post. I totally adore Instagram as an application! I post a lot on it too.

I post in the 24-hours stories, the newly added feature of Instagram. My stories are usually moments from my day, food photos, coffee photos, #OOTD (Outfit Of The Day) photos, photos in class and some selfies. I like sharing most of the things I do.

AND OF COURSE I upload photos to my Instagram profile as well. Maybe too many of them. I can become very obsessed with posting. Especially during vacations sometimes I post two or even three photos a day. But I do try to measure it up because I want my profile to have a certain image and my photos to be special ones.

Also there is this thing, about the photo description on Instagram. I want all of my hashtags or quotes or whatever I choose to write under my photo to fit perfectly, usually in one line. I need my description to be in order for some reason. Also I want to use a suitable emoji in every single photo too.


I use snapchat the same way as the Instagram stories feature, but since that one came out, I post less stories on snapchat and more on Instagram.

But I do send a lot of snaps to my best friend ! Not a single day shall pass that we would not snap each other ! It’s somehow a promise between us.

Next on my list is Swarm!

Swarm is an application for check-ins, only check-ins, check-ins everywhere !
I don’t think that it is used as much as Insta or Snap but it is one of my favorites too. I find it cute and I like keeping track of the places I’ve been with that app.


I have a Facebook account too, like almost everyone. I use it mostly for chatting with my friends and to stay updated when it comes to school matters. I do post on my profile some photos, some check-ins and songs, but not that much lately.

And regarding my Twitter, that profile was created last year for my ADandPR Lab projects in school. I like it as an application but I am not used to how it works yet. Right now I only tweet about some class stuff there.

Kinda last but not least, WeHeartIt !

Another app I really like. To me WeHeartIt means inspiration. I like the pictures and the quotes I find in this one so much. I find quotations for my Instagram descriptions here quite often too. My search history is mainly #fashion #lifequotes #summer and #travelling stuff.

I also happen to have a YouTube channel and Skype BUT:

I don’t actually use those two a lot. I log in my YouTube channel only when I want to find songs in my history and I use Skype mostly for talking with others while playing League of Legends (for better teamwork that is!).


So while we are at it, and I somehow ended up mentioning League of Legends, aka lol, I believe Gaming is a form of communication that plays a part in my life along with the social media platforms previously mentioned.

So, the games I play are: League of Legends, Hearthstone and Counter Strike. All of them have a chatting option, that the players principally use to exchange information about the game status. (CS actually has a voice chatting in game option as well ! No Skype needed for this one!)


And as you see I got myself a Medium account and this is my first time using it !

