Alexia Stavropoulou
Mobile Reputations
Published in
4 min readJan 7, 2019


Mobile Me and You Project (Streaming Apps) Part V|Mobile Reputations Course| AD&PR Lab

More and more trends overwhelm our contemporary world. In the purposes of our course ‘’Mobile Reputations’’, we, as students of AD&PR Lab of Panteion University , run a survey in order to investigate the usage that the Millennials do in their self phones. Specifically we choose to focus on streaming platforms by interviewing 10 persons in order to meet the needs of our project.

In this part you are going to meet Irene Tsoupaki!

Irene has a Bachelor in Economics and Business at University of Athens and now is doing her Master in Business Informatics at University of Mannheim in Germany. She is 24 years old and also a semi-pro athlete in track and field.

At first, Irene described us her day with her phone: she reads the daily news, enters to her social media accounts- facebook, instagram, messenger and viber- and communicates through texting. She also use it a lot in order to buy different things such as clothes, food, gadgets etc. She estimates that she use it more or less than 1,5 hour per day and she consider it like her smart little “friend” since she can find answers to almost all her questions just by “asking”. So if for any reason you took it away from her she would feel weirdly by not feeling it in her pocket, because she uses her phone to fulfill different kind of tasks, so it’s a kind of addiction to her. Irene schedules her day via My Study Life app which she finds extremely helpful in order to organize her lessons , the calendar and the DB Navigator that contains the route of trains and buses. But besides her mobile Irene has a laptop which use mainly in order to complete her projects in University and to watch occasionally movies and also a smart watch via which she receives her calls and see notifications on social media. Although it works more as a fitness tracker to her.

Irene doesn’t like to use her self phone when she is with friends or her family. Most of the time she use it when she is alone either for fun or for work. But in any case, she always makes her feel connected, especially since last year when moved in Germany, because as she said , her phone is the easiest way to communicate with her people. Moreover, she told us that she has used sharing platforms such as airbnb and carsharing for traveling. She claims that in this kind of applications you have the opportunity to see reviews in order not to characterize them as “strangers” and she believes that we all should do that in order to be more informed for advantages and also disadvantages. But she confessed us that she has never used these platforms alone and she doesn’t believe that she would do it.

As a semi-pro athlete and a travel lover, Irene likes to follow influencers on instagram. She believes that this kind of accounts influence her in a good way. As she revealed us, they help her in order not to give up on a hard training or to organize a beautiful trip in a new destination. Regarding now streaming platforms, she only use them to watch movies and series . The most used of her are Netflix and Amazon and she spends a couple hours per day at most.

So that was the interview of Irene about the usage that she does in her mobile phone. If you want to see more interviews , please follow us on part 6…

Team: ted m

Professor: Betty Tsakarestou

If you want to learn how this project got started and the methodology that we followed you can take a look at the following articles:

