Giannis Katsafados
Mobile Reputations
Published in
3 min readOct 19, 2016


  • Me & My Mobile

“ I can’t live if living is without it”, I use to say everyday about my lovely smartphone! It’s so important to me, as my personal computer. Wi αςthout it, i can’t stay active on social media, through it’s apps, and I really love to use my smartphone’s apps.

I think Facebook is the most important app. I don’t use it like i used to. For example, it was the way of expressing myself and my psychology, by uploading photos, songs and making other posts all the time. Nowadays, I publish some funny articles or pictures, upload some photos with my friends and I do some check-ins. Furthermore, Facebook has became an app where you can find a lot of news and information, about everything you like to read and search. This is the main reason I use it in our days.

Chatting it’s also very important about Facebook. I spend hours of chatting and money of course, because I can’t find a Wi-fi router everywhere! So when I want to chat with my best friends, send photos or exchange files, I use What’s App or Viber, which consume less megabytes.

Instagram is my favorite app. I really love it. I use it to upload only photos of myself, places that I have visited or special foods. But, the main reason I adore it, it’s that I can search for places I want to visit, see beautiful sceneries, weird and professional photos, local and special foods.

In connection with the food, I use Foursquare a lot. That’s one of my best apps, because I love eating, search new tastes, drinking and have fun. Due to Foursquare, I have been to the most popular restaurants of Athens, and especially to those which have to do with burgers, ribs, italian food and souvlaki.

Another app which is so popular is Snapchat. This app is wonderfull because you can upload photos who everybody can see for 3–10 seconds, or you can send photos to whoever you want and again, there is a lifetime for them. With my friends, we were so annoying to each other, we were disgustings and our ‘snaps’ where really crazy. After a while, I was bored and now I upload only interesting and unique photos.

Finally, I want to make a reference to the app of IMDb. As a moviemaniac and tv-seriesmaniac, if these words really exist, I have seen over 2000 movies and 100 tv series. With IMDb, where I have an account, I can rate movies and make comments about them, I exchange opinions about them, I search for actors and directors, their skills and awards and in general I want to have knowledge about everything in a movie or a tv-series. IMDb is the most popular and unique app as far as his kind is concerned.

To sum up, I think I have passed the era when I used my mobile only to have fun or because I was a ‘victim’ of technology. I really try to use my smartphone, not only to be ‘in’ or something, but to work, to learn and have ideas for the world and things which concern me.



Giannis Katsafados
Mobile Reputations

Panteion University : Communication, media & Culture// love movies, sports, travel and food