Me, my phone and I (Mobile Me Project)

Elena Tsakiridou
Mobile Reputations
Published in
4 min readDec 27, 2018

This semester we had the chance to work for a very interesting project during the course ‘’New Consumer Trends’’, taught by Mrs. Betty Tsakarestou. Our team did an extended research on Mobile Collaborative Consumption and Sharing Economy, a field that is on the rise. During our research we wanted to go deeper into the mobile consumption and the way, especially Millennialls, use their phone for their everyday routine. The insights and the observations that arise are interesting and tell us a lot about our generation and the world around us. So keep on reading our stories in order to follow our project steps and discover our final findings.

The first project we needed to undertake was the Mobile Me presentation. We were asked to describe our days with our mobiles and present our favorite apps and services.

I know that most Millennials think of their mobiles as an extension of their bodies but, to me, it is rather like a second brain where I can create and store important things and access them 24/7. So, I’m gonna talk you through some of the apps that I use the most in a typical day to help you better understand my relationship with this little gadget.

The first thing I like to do to start my day is checking my messages. I use Facebook’s Messenger to chat with my friends and Gmail for everything work and college related. Human contact — even digitally speaking — is important to me, so I revisit these apps multiple times during the day.

Other apps that I use religiously again and again are the OASA app to make sure I don’t miss my bus, Evernote because I love to make to do lists and I am always writing down ideas and, lastly, Google Maps because I have no sense of orientation whatsoever.

I also love to work with visuals so you can find some of my favorite apps inside my camera folder. In it you will find Intagram, of course, and several apps like Inshot or Unfold that I use to edit the countless photos and videos I shoot for work or for fun and make them aesthetically pleasing.

Instagram is one of my most used apps, mainly because I run 3 different accounts. One for personal and 2 for professional use. I like that everything evolves around photos and how I can share my vision with the world and interact with clients and influencers at the same time.

When I have some free time, usually later at night, I like to make boards on Pinterest and gather inspiration for future projects and scroll on Net a Porter to keep up with the trends. If I need to, I will also go on my GMAT folder and pick an app to help me practice for the GMAT test.

Even though being on my phone can be very addictive and time consuming to the point where I need a digital detox at times, I feel blessed to have such a useful tool at my disposal to help me create and communicate on the go!

Our team(Viral Vixens): @Marina Karvouni , georgia flaouna, vasia tagatidi

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