Mobile Me and You Project (Photo Editing Apps) Interviews|Part 14 |Mobile Reputations Course| AD&PR Lab

Agis Lamprakis
Mobile Reputations
Published in
5 min readJan 10, 2019

In the context of “New Consuming Trends” a course of Panteion University, taught by Mrs Betty Tsakarestou, our team (Shooters) participated in a research project called Mobile Me and You, following the Mobile Collaborative Consumption and Sharing Economy trends.The subject of the project concerns the relationship of Millennials with their mobile phones and their impact on the society and on the market. We decided to focus our research on Photo Editing Apps Applications.

The next interview is the one of Antigone. Antigone is 24 years old and was born in Athens. Currently she lives in Belgium and most specifically in Brussels as she studies Physiotherapy at KU Leuven.

Thats the complete questionnaire that we used :

1.Describe your day with your mobile. How many hours during the
day (or night) do you estimate you use your phone? Some
smartphones now offer us this data (screen time). Have you been
surprised when your read your actual screen time? Have you tried to
eliminate your screen time, after you started getting such accurate
data about your mobile screen consumption?
2. How do you feel if for any reason we took the mobile phone away from you?
3. Do you use any complementary gadgets?
4. Do you favor your mobile over other devices?
5. Do you like to share stuff with others digitally via your mobile apps?
6. Do you use your mobile when you are with friends? Teams? In a
specific Community? For fun? For work? How that makes you feel?
7. Is your phone making you feel connected or disconnected?
8. Have you used sharing apps/ platforms/ services such as airbnb/
bike sharing/ car sharing etc.. How do you think or feel about such
interactions where you have to trust strangers?
9. Do you follow any influencers? If yes, in what platform (eg.instagram etc) Do you follow them on your mobile apps mainly? Can
you show me your favorite influencers profiles on your mobile? What
are your thoughts on influencers?
10. Do you feel like you share the same habits with your friends
regarding the usage of your phone?

About editing apps

  • Which do you believe is the most important app?
  • Do you know many editing apps? Is it necessary to pay for them or they are
    free to use?
  • Are you using editing apps daily?
  • Do you trust your mobile phone camera or you need to use edit apps inorder to post a photo in social media?
  • Do you know any photo edit communities?
  • How important are the editing apps for you?
  • Do you believe that the quality of the photos would have been the samewithout editing?
  • Do you use more than one editing app in your mobile phone?
  • Do you believe that an editing app is easy to use if you are not a

Antigone uses her phone a lot during her day and declares that if for any reason someone took it away from her she would be upset and feel anxious. She didn’t know the existence of apps that measure the use of the phone during the day but says that if she measured it, it would be a lot.

Antigone also uses a smart watch as a gadget that is compatible with her phone in order to track down several activities in her day such as sleeping and fitness activities. She prefers her mobile over any other device such as her laptop as it is more easy to use in most cases and more portable.

She enjoys sharing stuff digitally with her friends such as funny pictures and videos. When she is with her friends in real life she tries not to use it that much and the only activities she does with her phone is replying to a message or answering to a phone call that might occur.

Regarding the use of her mobile she does shop online and has downloaded apps from stores that she frequently uses. Antigone has also used Airbnb and says that she’s not afraid of online purchases. Her only hesitation is the accuracy and if what she sees online is responding to what it looks like in real life.

Although a fan of photography and taking pictures being one of her hobbies, Antigone isn’t very fond of photo editing apps. She mostly uses the Instagram filters and photo editing options the application offers. She trusts her mobile phone’s camera and that is why she chooses to have a phone with a nice camera. Antigone follows some influencers,

«not because they really influence me, mostly I follow them because most of the times they upload nice pictures»

Instagram profile:

Site link:

Team : Shooters

Agis Lamprakis, petrosmix, Iakobos Vlachos, Konstantinos Dragatsis

Professor : Betty Tsakarestou

For the other parts of the interviews click the links below:

