Mobile Me and You Project (Photo Editing Apps) Part 21|Mobile Reputations Course| AD&PR Lab

Iakobos Vlachos
Mobile Reputations
Published in
5 min readJan 7, 2019

In the context of “New Consuming Trends” a course of Panteion Univeristy, taught by Mrs Betty Tsakarestou, our team (Shooters) participated in a research project called Mobile Me and You, following the Mobile Collaborative Consumption and Sharing Economy trends.The subject of the project concerns the relationship of millennials with their mobile phones and their impact on the society and on the market. We decided to focus our research on Photo Editing Apps Applications.

My first interview for the course of Mobile Reputations, Collaborative Consumption in Sharing Economy, coordinated by Mrs. Betty Tsakarestou, was my good friend Nikos Vellas.

Thats the complete questionnaire that we used :

1.Describe your day with your mobile. How many hours during the
day (or night) do you estimate you use your phone? Some
smartphones now offer us this data (screen time). Have you been
surprised when your read your actual screen time? Have you tried to
eliminate your screen time, after you started getting such accurate
data about your mobile screen consumption?
2. How do you feel if for any reason we took the mobile phone away from you?
3. Do you use any complementary gadgets?
4. Do you favor your mobile over other devices?
5. Do you like to share stuff with others digitally via your mobile apps?
6. Do you use your mobile when you are with friends? Teams? In a
specific Community? For fun? For work? How that makes you feel?
7. Is your phone making you feel connected or disconnected?
8. Have you used sharing apps/ platforms/ services such as airbnb/
bike sharing/ car sharing etc.. How do you think or feel about such
interactions where you have to trust strangers?
9. Do you follow any influencers? If yes, in what platform (eg.instagram etc) Do you follow them on your mobile apps mainly? Can
you show me your favorite influencers profiles on your mobile? What
are your thoughts on influencers?
10. Do you feel like you share the same habits with your friends
regarding the usage of your phone?

About editing apps

  • Which do you believe is the most important app?
  • Do you know many editing apps? Is it necessary to pay for them or they are
    free to use?
  • Are you using editing apps daily?
  • Do you trust your mobile phone camera or you need to use edit apps inorder to post a photo in social media?
  • Do you know any photo edit communities?
  • How important are the editing apps for you?
  • Do you believe that the quality of the photos would have been the samewithout editing?
  • Do you use more than one editing app in your mobile phone?
  • Do you believe that an editing app is easy to use if you are not a

Nikos is 22 years old and he s a student at University of West Attica, and he ‘s uses his cell phone aproximetely 3 to 5 hours daily. The first thing he usually does in the mornig is chech his phone for messages. After that he browses youtube or twicth while he drinks his coffee. At the rest of the day, he checks a lot his social media newsfeed (Facebook,Instagram,Pintrest) . Right before he sleeps, he usually watch videos or listen to podcasts throught his phone.

He said that he would feel «disarmed» without his cellphone. He also said:

« I use my phone daily and quite frequently. I wacth videos, listen to music while i travel and communicate with my friends and peers via my phone. I couldn t last a days without it!»

He favors his phone over other devices and the reason is usually practical. He prefers his phone to listen to music instead of listening through an i Pod because he can do all the things he want, from only one device (take photos, make calls, etc.).

Nikos likes to share things and information with his friends, and when I asked him if he feels disconnected or connected he said:

“I feel like I’m part of a generation that mobile phones and such devices have become part and parcel with our everyday lives.I feel both connected and disconnected.I feel connected because I watch the news and stay updated via my phone, I use it to communicate with people. I am able to speak to someone anywhere and anytime!”

Nikos likes photography and art, but he does not have any particular preferences about the editing apps he uses. It ‘s important for him the editing apps he uses to be free and user-friendly. Instagam ‘s editing app (Instasize) is his favorite app for his edits and Pintrest is the only art-photography community he knows.

Team: The Shooters

Site link :

petrosmix , Konstantinos Dragatsis , Agis Lamprakis Iakobos Vlachos

Professor: Betty Tsakarestou

For the other parts of the interviews click the links below:

