Mobile Reputations
Published in
2 min readJan 7, 2019


Mobile Me and You Project (Photo Editing Apps)Introduction Post Part 1|Mobile Reputations Course| AD&PR Lab

Introductionary Post

In the context of “New Consuming Trends” a course of Panteion Univeristy, taught by Mrs Betty Tsakarestou, our team (Shooters) participated in a research project called Mobile Me and You, following the Mobile Collaborative Consumption and Sharing Economy trends.The subject of the project concerns the relationship of Millennials with their mobile phones and their impact on the society and on the market. We decided to focus our research on Photo Editing Apps Applications.

Hello everyone, we are Shooters, a group consisting of four students of Panteion University and participating in the course about the Mobile Reputations, Collaborative Consumption in Sharing Economy. The team consists of the coordinator Kostas Dragatsis, Michalopoulos Petros, Agis Lambrakis and Iakovos Vlachos. The subject of the project concerns the relationship of millennials with their mobile phones and their impact on the society and on the market. Through the articles provided by the moderator of the course, Betty Tsakarestou, we learned that the millennium generation reflects in today’s society and market through their mobiles. this fact has prompted us to see in detail to what extent are we connected to our mobile phone (Mobile Me) and how other people of our age, local or international, respond to this connection (Mobile Me and You). So, through a methodology that we have followed, we have come to analyze the attitude of people of our age towards photo-editing applications in their mobile phones. It was a research that taught us enough about a relationship between millennials and their mobile phones. Mainly, how important a photo-editing application is in their lives, being at a time when Instagram, a platform that welcomes narcissism trough photographs and it is widespread, is directly connected with those applications.

Links with articles that helped us to understand better the project of Mobile Reputation :

Site Link:

Team : Shooters

Michalopoulos Petros, Agis Lamprakis, Iakobos Vlachos, Konstantinos Dragatsis

Professor : Betty Tsakarestou

