Mobile Me and You Project (Photo Editing Apps) Part 2 | Methodology |Mobile Reputations Course| AD&PR Lab

Agis Lamprakis
Mobile Reputations
Published in
3 min readJan 7, 2019

In the context of “New Consuming Trends” a course of Panteion Univeristy, taught by Mrs Betty Tsakarestou, our team (Shooters) participated in a research project called Mobile Me and You, following the Mobile Collaborative Consumption and Sharing Economy trends.The subject of the project concerns the relationship of millennials with their mobile phones and their impact on the society and on the market. We decided to focus our research on Photo Editing Apps Applications.

For this project we worked both as a team and individually. First of all, every team member described a typical day with his mobile phone. Then, we collected some findings from other people of similar age both local and international. We compared the results in order to find out how a coutry can affect someone’s use of their phone and what are the most popular apps based on yhe place we live.

The next stepwe followed was a post — it canvas with a chart that contained the resuts and the insights from all the Mobile Me&You videos. We then compared these insights with another team’s findings and worked in cooperation to create a flip chart containing all the insights.

Our team’s post-it canvas
The cooperation post-it canvas with the other team

Another step we followed, was creating a questionnaire wich examines some basic topics about mobile use and, most importantly, our main topic which is about the photo editing applications. We took ten interviews in total. For some interviews we followed the classic method of interviewing face to face and writing down the responses, while for some others we recorded a video.

We presented the results of each task on a weekly basis, while with the feedback we were given on class and with some observations and comments from our classmates and teacher we enriched our research.

We believe that our findings are pretty accurate as we specified our target group to millenials of their 20s and had both national and international sample. If we could try to point out a limitation we had in our research, we could say that the interviews aren’t a lo, but we focused on 10 different people with different national and social background as well as thei interests, in order to focus on the results and extract a lot of accurate insights, rather than having a larger amount of interviews. The Mobile Me&You project as well as the interviews you can find them extensively on the following parts.

Site link:

Team : Shooters

Agis Lamprakis, petrosmix, Iakobos Vlachos, Konstantinos Dragatsis

Professor : Betty Tsakarestou

