Mobile me & you:

Christos Daniilidis
Mobile Reputations
Published in
3 min readJan 7, 2019


In the context of our mobile reputations of sharing economy and collaborative consumption course we were asked by our coordinator Mrs Betty Tsakarestou to examine Millennials’ behaviors and their relationship with their mobile phones on a daily basis. Some of the topics that we had to put under the microscope were the time their screen time, their mobile habits, their favorite and most used apps and whether their mobile phones are their personal assistants as well.

After presenting our own behavior, our friends’ habits and some global case studies, we choose to further examine a specific target group, a community. We decided to interview millennials that might use their mobile phones’ services and the possibilities they offer as a creative output. Aris was one of them.

Aris is a 24 years old amateur photographer who is self-instructed via online seminars. The first thing he does when in bed is to check his Instagram feed and messenger messages. His favorite apps are Instagram and Messenger and his most used apps are Instagram, Messenger and YouTube.

If we took his phone he would only miss Instagram . He could live barely 2 days without his phone. As a matter of fact he feels to connected to his mobile device. He only uses his alarm on his phone and he also checks his email through it but he does not use it for transportation or to organize his whole day thus he lives in a small city in central Greece. He prefers his Pc more than his phone for every other task, for example editing pictures. He shares his work only via Instagram and he does not share any personal photos of his life. He also uses Nikon app to upload and examine his photos and Photoshop on his pc to pre edit them. After that he depends on Lightroom mobile to edit them, strictly on his mobile phone.

Aris doesn’t use Facebook, just only to check out events and live shows, he basically thinks that Facebook is almost dead.

He only uses messenger to chat with his friends and when he is out, he barely checks out his phone but he has it on the table just for any case. He wants to take the best out of his friends and his friends the best out of him. His only mobile habit is Instagram and he also doesn’t use any other apps like Uber and BEAT . He listens to music only through his mp3 or via YouTube, he only buys concert tickets, clothes and band march online

He edits his photos on his phone via lightroom mobile and via photoshop, he posts his work only on Instagram. As a matter of fact he knows many editing apps and some of them must be bought but for now he wouldn’t pay for an editing app. He doesn’t trust his phone camera only his DSLR and he edits every photo before posting it.

Finally he believes that an editing app is easy to use if you’re not a professional. But he thinks a professional would find it easier to use it at its whole length.

Our Team : Christos Daniilidis Danai Lyratzi Frossini Drakouli Maria Kall



Christos Daniilidis
Mobile Reputations

Studying Communication, Media & Culture at Panteion University, Radio Producer on for the ‘’Overnight Parasites’’